Round 1 (Sun, November 7)

The tee sheet has not yet been released to the event portal.

Aguiar, Paul
Altieri, Marc
Amado, Jake
Anderson, Gary
Anderson, Robert
Baker, Glenn
Bamrick, Kirk
Barnes, Mark
Beachley, Grant
Bingham, Pete
Bourgeois, Andrew
Boyer, Bruce
Brokop, James
Brundle, Rodney
Carmichael, Andrew
Castaneda, Tony
Claar, Tim
Clark, Steve
Corral, David
Crafton, Keith
Crisante, Michael
Curiel, David
Cuyugan, Rory
Dancses, Kirk
Davis, Brad
Desisto, Steve
Devine, Tim
Dodge, Bill
Evans, Mark
Evatt, Philip
Faith, Scott
Furry, Mike
Gapasin, Kenneth
Gentile, Rich
Giacomini, John
Gilliam, Roger
Gimenez, Rick
Givens, Howard
Gonzales, Brian
Grieshaber, James
Hampton, Bob
Heffern, Bill
Heffern, Tim
Herman, David
Hill, Jeff
Hill, Richard
Jamison, Jim
Journigan, Henry
Kaiser, Brad
Kaiser, Kim
Kaiser, Kit
Keane, Michael
Knight, James
Knight, Woody
Leslie, Dave
Lininger, Dustin
Lopez, Robert
Mais, Chris
Mardesich, Nick
Martin, Carl
Mathieu, Robert
McCloskey, James
McDaniel, Bruce
Miller, Mickey
Molley, Thomas
Molnar, Greg
Monachello, Mike
Monat, Jon
Monteilh, Gregory
Monteilh, Larry
Moore, Tim
Morrow, Michael
Nahin, Steve
Olson, Tom
Osborne, David
Osborne, Matthew
Peters, Stephen
Petersen, Michael
Richards, Scott
Ritter, Dean
Rutkoski, David
Ryan, Kevin
Sanossian, John
Scott, Eddie
Sell, Timothy
Silvano, Joe
Snider, James
Spencer, David
Sterry, Steven
Stevens, Bill
Tellkamp, Scott
Thomas, Jeff
Thomas, Steven
Trujillo, Gus
Tsuchikawa, Rick
Valentine, Michael
Villegas, Victor
Vitale, Charles
Warnick, Russell
Willcoxson, William
Wilson, John
Wullschleger, Jim
Younger, Rocky
Zimmerman, Ron