Player Roster
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Handle | H.I.™ |
Abigail Vietmeier | 6.7 |
Alexis Wukich | 8.9 |
Allie Gennaula | 6.3 |
Annie Vanzant | 9.3 |
Bella Petrone | 8.0 |
Carol Onufro | 10.7 |
Christina Lewis | 0.0 |
Cindy Caldwell | 14.3 |
Claudette Graham | 11.3 |
Ellen Urda | 14.6 |
Helen Miller | 20.7 |
Holly Mitchell | 17.8 |
Kathleen Wycoff | 19.1 |
Kim Reinhart | 14.7 |
Mary Beth Morrissey | 10.8 |
Nancy Haynes | 10.8 |
Paige Scott | 6.4 |
Sally Sheerer | 8.8 |
Sara Steve | 7.2 |
SHIRLEY Johnston | 11.6 |
Vicki Smith | 8.0 |