
Player Roster

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Last Name First Name Affiliation
Bajaj Cameron Jgac Club
Blackwood Sam The Club at Ravenna
Boyko Alan Commonground GC
Burgess Austin Patty Jewett Golf Course
Carrington Ben Columbine Country Club
Ewing Preston Desert Hawk Golf Course
Foust Taylor Commonground GC
Gluck Freddie Jgac Club
Hess Derrick Fossil Trace Golf Club
Kordon Benjamin Fort Collins Country Club
Lambrecht Brayden Northeastern 18
Lambrecht Trey Northeastern 18
Littlejohn Neal Cherry Creek Country Club
Matahri Mehdi Cga Club
McMullen Kieran Ridge at Castle Pines North
Murphy Tanner Ridge at Castle Pines North
Nottoli Kyle Eisenhower Golf Club
Pasvogel Owen The Club at Flying Horse
Pelc Sean Elmwood Golf Course
Reiter John Cga Club
Renu Tehjas Patty Jewett Golf Course
Timmins Ed Aurora Hills Golf Club
Travins Luke Broadmoor Golf Club
Vance Andrew Patty Jewett Golf Course