Player Roster
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Last Name | First Name | Affiliation |
Auman | Bob | The Links at Northfork |
Babich | Tim | Chaska Town Course Jol |
Baron | Topher | Bunker Hills Golf Course |
Baxley | Ralph | Bunker Hills Golf Course |
Berntson | Matthew | Chaska Town Course Jol |
Bolger | Jim | Prestwick Golf Club |
Bredesen | Erik | Edinburgh USA |
Brom | Chris | Braemar Golf Course Jol |
Bryn | Yarri | Bunker Hills Golf Course |
Collins | Pete | Bunker Hills Golf Course |
Davis | Rick | Braemar Golf Course Jol |
Death | Miles | Edinburgh USA |
Dunne | Robert | Columbia Golf Club |
Engwall | Rolf | Edinburgh USA |
Evans | Chick | Brookview Golf Course Jol |
Fox | Maxwell | Hastings Golf Club |
Francis | Bryan | Braemar Golf Course |
Frentzos | Theo | The Links at Northfork |
Fritz | Nick | Braemar Golf Course |
Gergen | Nick | Wirth Golf Club |
Gerzsenyi | Brian | Eastwood |
Gerzsenyi | Ken | Eastwood Golf Club |
Gordon | Tim | Elk River Golf Club |
Green | Joe | Columbia Golf Club |
Groessel | Paul | Hiawatha Golf Club |
Guertin | Derek | Legacy Golf |
Gunderson | David | Wirth Golf Club |
Hayes | Mark | Keller Golf Club |
Herdine | Jacob | Fox Hollow Golf Club |
Horning | CR | Pioneer Creek Golf Course |
Isaacson | David | Deer Run Golf Club Jol |
Jarrett | Nick | Willow Creek Golf Course |
Johnson | Joel | The Links at Northfork |
Kautt | Jay | Legends Club |
Keenan | Shawn | Highland National Golf Club |
Knowles | Everett | Inver Wood Golf Course |
Korman | Paul | Columbia Golf Club |
Kottke | Travis | Chaska Town Course Jol |
Lee | Ser | Goodrich Golf Course |
Lester | Travis | Anoka Golf Club |
Muellerleile | Patrick | Keller Golf Club |
Olson | Jeffery | Anoka Golf Club |
Omoke | Peter | Anoka Golf Club |
Onkka | Blake | Bunker Hills Golf Course |
Orn | Brian | Bunker Hills Golf Course |
Passolt | Rick | Braemar Golf Course |
Pendleton | Jason | Legends Golf Club |
Peterson | Trent | Fountain Valley Golf Club |
Piotrowski | Keith | University Golf Club |
Przybyla | Eric | Anoka Golf Club |
Rezac | Mark | Bunker Hills Golf Course |
Rislove | Eric | Prestwick Golf Club |
Sperling | Mark | Willinger's Golf Club |
Talbot | Paul | Anoka Golf Club |
Tetrault | Jeremy | Tanners Brook Golf Club Jol |
Tollefsrud | Chris | Timber Creek GC |
Turbett | Caleb | Prestwick Golf Club |
Ulmen | Taylor | Highland National Jol |
Vasquez | Santino | Highland National Jol |
Wareham | Nate | Highland National Jol |
Warneke | Jake | Purple Hawk GC |