As promised, here are the details on your 2-Man Match Play Tournament.
This is a MHMC event so all competitors must be MHMC members. You must select your own partner for this event. It is a team event so choose wisely! In the case that a player becomes unavailable to complete the competition (injury, incarceration, etc.), a player with a similar handicap differential will take their place, based on approval. Player handicaps will be calculated using player's low index (not current index) from 5/1/20 - 4/30/21. You can see this calculation in the GHIN app under the “more” tab, Handicap History. This low index will also be calculated through GolfGenius when the field is set and any discrepancies will be addressed at that point. If you have any questions on how to figure out your low index, please text Kevin Welsh, Marc Pereira or me and we can help you figure it out.
Please take into consideration that there will be 4 group matches plus an additional 3 matches for teams that advance to the finals.
Sign up for this event will begin 5/4 @ 9:00 am and end 5/10 at 6:00 pm or when the field fills up. There will be a link added to the Men's Club website to sign up for this event.
The field is open to 20 teams. Entry fee is $50/man ($100/team).
Tournament Format:
There will be 4 brackets of 5 teams each.
Teams in each bracket will play all the teams within their bracket and the winner of the bracket will advance to the finals bracket.
All teams in the finals bracket will play each other as well.
All group matches should be played by 8/2. It will be the responsibility of the teams to set up match dates.
6 points are available per team match:
Team A player 1 vs Team B player 1 = 2 points for win, 1 point each for tie
Team A player 2 vs Team B Player 2 = 2 points for win, 1 point each for tie
Better Ball – Team A vs Team B = 2 points for win, 1 point each for tie
All matches will be played at full handicaps calculated using player's low index (not current index) from 5/1/20 - 4/30/21. You can see this calculation in the GHIN app under the “more” tab, Handicap History. This number will also be calculated through GolfGenius when the field is set and any discrepancies will be addressed at that point.
Match strokes will be applied based on calculated handicap differential; for example, if 5 handicap plays an 8 handicap, the difference is 3 strokes which are applied on hole difficulty 1-3 as identified on the scorecard (1, 9 & 14 @ Meadow Hills). Similarly, team matches will wheel off the low handicap in the group and played at the full differential. The only (or at least best) way to score this accurately is by using 2 separate scorecards and the good news is that the cards will be created for you! We will also provide the GGID’s for live scoring of this event.
The stage and finals winners will be the team with highest number of combined team points. If there is a tie in either the group stage or within the finals, tie breaker will be determined by largest number of combined matches won. Secondary tie breaker will be most number of combined tied matches. Third will be determined by the same tie breaker format but starting with the team match, followed by player 1 matches, then by player 2 matches. If it’s still tied then, pistols at dawn!
Combined wins do not carry over into the finals brackets so tie breakers in the finals bracket will calculated within that bracket ONLY.
Winning payouts are as follows:
Stage winner wins $200 ($100/pp); 2nd place stage winner wins $150 ($75/pp)
The finals pay as follows: 1st place $300 ($150/pp); 2nd place $200 ($100/pp); 3rd place $100 ($50/pp)