Inter-Club Team Matches


        Pinewild is a member of Moore County Inter-Club, which consists of Inter-Club I and Inter-Club II, each with six member clubs.  Teams consist of 8 players in ascending handicap order chosen from those who sign up for each match.  There are five 4-ball matches played from May through September.  To be eligible to play, a player must first post 8 scores at her home club in the current year.  After that requirement is met, a minimum of 2 rounds, one at the home club, must be posted before each subsequent match.  Players with any handicap may sign up to play.  However, Inter-Club I require players to play to a 25.0 index (which would be a 28 handicap on the Magnolia course) and Inter-Club II requires players to play to a 30.0 index (33 on the Mag).


        Teams are determined one week before the first match of the month.  Sign-up will be available online about a month before the first match of the month.


        Play is 4-ball (better ball of partners) match play.  Play is with a partner and handicaps are determined off the low handicap of the 4-some.  In other words, play is “off the low ball”.  Scoring is hole by hole with one point awarded for each hole.  A side may win a hole for 1 point, tie a hole for a half-point, or lose a hole for 0 points.


            Inter-Club play is lots of fun and the team captains hope many ladies will sign up each month.