Saskatchewan Mixed Team Championship Tee Sheet
Sun, August 29
Time | Hole | Players | Time | Hole | Players |
9:00 AM | 1A |
Larocque, Ian
The Legends Golf Club
Ziglo, Kathy
Saskatoon Golf & Country Club
Piero, Crystal
Golf Canada Club - Saskatchewan
Piero, Brett
GS Public Players Club: Zone 2 (Regina)
9:00 AM | 1B |
McAllister, Colton
Moon Lake Golf and Country Club
Krainyk, Elanne
Moon Lake Golf and Country Club
MacNeil, Hannah
Willows Golf & Country Club
MacNeil, Paul
Rock Creek Golf Club
9:00 AM | 1A |
Larocque, Ian
The Legends Golf Club
Ziglo, Kathy
Saskatoon Golf & Country Club
Piero, Crystal
Golf Canada Club - Saskatchewan
Piero, Brett
GS Public Players Club: Zone 2 (Regina)
9:00 AM | 1B |
McAllister, Colton
Moon Lake Golf and Country Club
Krainyk, Elanne
Moon Lake Golf and Country Club
MacNeil, Hannah
Willows Golf & Country Club
MacNeil, Paul
Rock Creek Golf Club
9:00 AM | 2 |
Krienke, Ray
GS Public Players Club: Zone 5 (Prairie Central)
Krienke, Kelly
GS Public Players Club: Zone 5 (Prairie Central)
Vall, Greg
Hillcrest Golf Club
Ruecker, Shelley
Hillcrest Golf Club
9:00 AM | 3 |
Ring, Martin
Cooke Municipal Golf Course
Ring, Andrea
Cooke Municipal Golf Course
Couzens, Gerry
The Legends Golf Club
Garland, Angela
The Legends Golf Club
9:00 AM | 2 |
Krienke, Ray
GS Public Players Club: Zone 5 (Prairie Central)
Krienke, Kelly
GS Public Players Club: Zone 5 (Prairie Central)
Vall, Greg
Hillcrest Golf Club
Ruecker, Shelley
Hillcrest Golf Club
9:00 AM | 3 |
Ring, Martin
Cooke Municipal Golf Course
Ring, Andrea
Cooke Municipal Golf Course
Couzens, Gerry
The Legends Golf Club
Garland, Angela
The Legends Golf Club
9:00 AM | 4 |
Obrigewitsch, Todd
Deer Valley Golf Course
Obrigewitsch, Kim
Deer Valley Golf Course
Folk, Mark
Wascana Country Club
Folk, Lindsay
Wascana Country Club
9:00 AM | 5 |
Rittwage, Brian
The Legends Golf Club
Rittwage, Lori
The Legends Golf Club
Marriott, Roland
The Goulet Club
Zimmerman, Sandra
Royal Regina Golf Club
9:00 AM | 4 |
Obrigewitsch, Todd
Deer Valley Golf Course
Obrigewitsch, Kim
Deer Valley Golf Course
Folk, Mark
Wascana Country Club
Folk, Lindsay
Wascana Country Club
9:00 AM | 5 |
Rittwage, Brian
The Legends Golf Club
Rittwage, Lori
The Legends Golf Club
Marriott, Roland
The Goulet Club
Zimmerman, Sandra
Royal Regina Golf Club
9:00 AM | 6 |
Brown, Jo
Wascana Country Club
Krentz, Les
Wascana Country Club
Heath, Tony
TS&M Woodlawn Golf Club
Heath, Heather
TS&M Woodlawn Golf Club
9:00 AM | 7 |
Krafchuk, Jeff
Saskatoon Golf & Country Club
Krafchuk, Pattie
Saskatoon Golf & Country Club
England, Curt
Wascana Country Club
England, Sandra
Wascana Country Club
9:00 AM | 6 |
Brown, Jo
Wascana Country Club
Krentz, Les
Wascana Country Club
Heath, Tony
TS&M Woodlawn Golf Club
Heath, Heather
TS&M Woodlawn Golf Club
9:00 AM | 7 |
Krafchuk, Jeff
Saskatoon Golf & Country Club
Krafchuk, Pattie
Saskatoon Golf & Country Club
England, Curt
Wascana Country Club
England, Sandra
Wascana Country Club
9:00 AM | 8 |
Hersikorn, Denise
The Goulet Club
Pekrul, Dale
The Goulet Club
Benson, Craig
Thomson Lake Golf Club - League
Benson, Debbie
Thomson Lake Golf Club - League
9:00 AM | 9A |
Mario, Karen
Royal Regina Golf Club
Mario, Greg
Deer Valley Golf Course
McCoshen, John
GS Public Players Club: Zone 6 (Saskatoon)
Hersikorn, Patty
Saskatoon Golf & Country Club
9:00 AM | 8 |
Hersikorn, Denise
The Goulet Club
Pekrul, Dale
The Goulet Club
Benson, Craig
Thomson Lake Golf Club - League
Benson, Debbie
Thomson Lake Golf Club - League
9:00 AM | 9A |
Mario, Karen
Royal Regina Golf Club
Mario, Greg
Deer Valley Golf Course
McCoshen, John
GS Public Players Club: Zone 6 (Saskatoon)
Hersikorn, Patty
Saskatoon Golf & Country Club
9:00 AM | 9B |
Thompson, Abra
Saskatoon Golf & Country Club
Desrosiers, Jess
GS Public Players Club: Zone 6 (Saskatoon)
Shew, Wyatt
Moon Lake Golf and Country Club
Soulier, Alicia
Moon Lake Golf and Country Club
9:00 AM | 10 |
Halbach, Joe
Lloydminster G&CC
Halbach, Rose
Saskatoon Golf & Country Club
Bowerman, Colin
Willows Golf & Country Club
Bowerman, Maureen
The Legends Golf Club
9:00 AM | 9B |
Thompson, Abra
Saskatoon Golf & Country Club
Desrosiers, Jess
GS Public Players Club: Zone 6 (Saskatoon)
Shew, Wyatt
Moon Lake Golf and Country Club
Soulier, Alicia
Moon Lake Golf and Country Club
9:00 AM | 10 |
Halbach, Joe
Lloydminster G&CC
Halbach, Rose
Saskatoon Golf & Country Club
Bowerman, Colin
Willows Golf & Country Club
Bowerman, Maureen
The Legends Golf Club
9:00 AM | 11 |
Dupont, Darren
Deer Valley Golf Course
Schellenberg, Leanne
Deer Valley Golf Course
Pearson, Dwight
Golf Canada Club - Saskatchewan
Pearson, Heather
Golf Canada Club - Saskatchewan
9:00 AM | 12 |
Van Camp, Jim
River Bend Golf Club
Van Camp, Sheila
River Bend Golf Club
Handford, Les
Tor Hill Golf Course
Handford, Louise
GS Public Players Club: Zone 4 (Parkland)
9:00 AM | 11 |
Dupont, Darren
Deer Valley Golf Course
Schellenberg, Leanne
Deer Valley Golf Course
Pearson, Dwight
Golf Canada Club - Saskatchewan
Pearson, Heather
Golf Canada Club - Saskatchewan
9:00 AM | 12 |
Van Camp, Jim
River Bend Golf Club
Van Camp, Sheila
River Bend Golf Club
Handford, Les
Tor Hill Golf Course
Handford, Louise
GS Public Players Club: Zone 4 (Parkland)
9:00 AM | 13 |
Beug, Norman
Wascana Country Club
Souliere, Jocelyn
Wascana Country Club
Hemsworth, Angus
Cooke Municipal Golf Course
Hemsworth, Josie
Cooke Municipal Golf Course
9:00 AM | 14 |
Tulloch, Neil
Wascana Country Club
Tulloch, Lynn
Wascana Country Club
Strueby, Ray
GS Public Players Club: Zone 2 (Regina)
Seitz, Joanne
The Goulet Club
9:00 AM | 13 |
Beug, Norman
Wascana Country Club
Souliere, Jocelyn
Wascana Country Club
Hemsworth, Angus
Cooke Municipal Golf Course
Hemsworth, Josie
Cooke Municipal Golf Course
9:00 AM | 14 |
Tulloch, Neil
Wascana Country Club
Tulloch, Lynn
Wascana Country Club
Strueby, Ray
GS Public Players Club: Zone 2 (Regina)
Seitz, Joanne
The Goulet Club
9:00 AM | 15 |
Betnar, Delbert
Royal Regina Golf Club
Betnar, Linda
Royal Regina Golf Club
Vendramin, Shelley
Royal Regina Golf Club
Vendramin, Tony
Murray Municipal Golf Club
9:00 AM | 16 |
Wudrick, Lindsay
Willows Golf & Country Club
Evans, Christine
GS Public Players Club: Zone 4 (Parkland)
Orr, Jim
GS Public Players Club: Zone 6 (Saskatoon)
Spence, Sheila
Saskatoon Golf & Country Club
9:00 AM | 15 |
Betnar, Delbert
Royal Regina Golf Club
Betnar, Linda
Royal Regina Golf Club
Vendramin, Shelley
Royal Regina Golf Club
Vendramin, Tony
Murray Municipal Golf Club
9:00 AM | 16 |
Wudrick, Lindsay
Willows Golf & Country Club
Evans, Christine
GS Public Players Club: Zone 4 (Parkland)
Orr, Jim
GS Public Players Club: Zone 6 (Saskatoon)
Spence, Sheila
Saskatoon Golf & Country Club
9:00 AM | 17 |
Love, Greg
Wascana Country Club
Love, Danica
Wascana Country Club
Koteck, George
The Goulet Club
Farkas, Bonnie
The Goulet Club
9:00 AM | 18 |
Kolodziejski, Brent
GS Public Players Club: Zone 4 (Parkland)
Kolodziejski, Heather
GS Public Players Club: Zone 6 (Saskatoon)
9:00 AM | 17 |
Love, Greg
Wascana Country Club
Love, Danica
Wascana Country Club
Koteck, George
The Goulet Club
Farkas, Bonnie
The Goulet Club
9:00 AM | 18 |
Kolodziejski, Brent
GS Public Players Club: Zone 4 (Parkland)
Kolodziejski, Heather
GS Public Players Club: Zone 6 (Saskatoon)
Player | Tee Time | Hole | Tee | Other Players |
Benson, Craig
Thomson Lake Golf Club - League
9:00 AM | 8 | Blue | Benson, Debbie + Hersikorn, Denise + Pekrul, Dale |
Benson, Debbie
Thomson Lake Golf Club - League
9:00 AM | 8 | Red | Benson, Craig + Hersikorn, Denise + Pekrul, Dale |
Betnar, Delbert
Royal Regina Golf Club
9:00 AM | 15 | Blue | Betnar, Linda + Vendramin, Shelley + Vendramin, Tony |
Betnar, Linda
Royal Regina Golf Club
9:00 AM | 15 | Red | Betnar, Delbert + Vendramin, Shelley + Vendramin, Tony |
Beug, Norman
Wascana Country Club
9:00 AM | 13 | Blue | Hemsworth, Angus + Hemsworth, Josie + Souliere, Jocelyn |
Bowerman, Colin
Willows Golf & Country Club
9:00 AM | 10 | Blue | Bowerman, Maureen + Halbach, Joe + Halbach, Rose |
Bowerman, Maureen
The Legends Golf Club
9:00 AM | 10 | Red | Bowerman, Colin + Halbach, Joe + Halbach, Rose |
Brown, Jo
Wascana Country Club
9:00 AM | 6 | Red | Heath, Heather + Heath, Tony + Krentz, Les |
Couzens, Gerry
The Legends Golf Club
9:00 AM | 3 | Blue | Garland, Angela + Ring, Andrea + Ring, Martin |
Desrosiers, Jess
GS Public Players Club: Zone 6 (Saskatoon)
9:00 AM | 9B | Blue | Shew, Wyatt + Soulier, Alicia + Thompson, Abra |
Dupont, Darren
Deer Valley Golf Course
9:00 AM | 11 | Blue | Pearson, Dwight + Pearson, Heather + Schellenberg, Leanne |
England, Curt
Wascana Country Club
9:00 AM | 7 | Blue | England, Sandra + Krafchuk, Jeff + Krafchuk, Pattie |
England, Sandra
Wascana Country Club
9:00 AM | 7 | Red | England, Curt + Krafchuk, Jeff + Krafchuk, Pattie |
Evans, Christine
GS Public Players Club: Zone 4 (Parkland)
9:00 AM | 16 | Red | Orr, Jim + Spence, Sheila + Wudrick, Lindsay |
Farkas, Bonnie
The Goulet Club
9:00 AM | 17 | Red | Koteck, George + Love, Danica + Love, Greg |
Folk, Lindsay
Wascana Country Club
9:00 AM | 4 | Red | Folk, Mark + Obrigewitsch, Kim + Obrigewitsch, Todd |
Folk, Mark
Wascana Country Club
9:00 AM | 4 | Blue | Folk, Lindsay + Obrigewitsch, Kim + Obrigewitsch, Todd |
Garland, Angela
The Legends Golf Club
9:00 AM | 3 | Red | Couzens, Gerry + Ring, Andrea + Ring, Martin |
Halbach, Joe
Lloydminster G&CC
9:00 AM | 10 | Blue | Bowerman, Colin + Bowerman, Maureen + Halbach, Rose |
Halbach, Rose
Saskatoon Golf & Country Club
9:00 AM | 10 | Red | Bowerman, Colin + Bowerman, Maureen + Halbach, Joe |
Handford, Les
Tor Hill Golf Course
9:00 AM | 12 | Blue | Handford, Louise + Van Camp, Jim + Van Camp, Sheila |
Handford, Louise
GS Public Players Club: Zone 4 (Parkland)
9:00 AM | 12 | Red | Handford, Les + Van Camp, Jim + Van Camp, Sheila |
Heath, Heather
TS&M Woodlawn Golf Club
9:00 AM | 6 | Red | Brown, Jo + Heath, Tony + Krentz, Les |
Heath, Tony
TS&M Woodlawn Golf Club
9:00 AM | 6 | Blue | Brown, Jo + Heath, Heather + Krentz, Les |
Hemsworth, Angus
Cooke Municipal Golf Course
9:00 AM | 13 | Blue | Beug, Norman + Hemsworth, Josie + Souliere, Jocelyn |
Hemsworth, Josie
Cooke Municipal Golf Course
9:00 AM | 13 | Red | Beug, Norman + Hemsworth, Angus + Souliere, Jocelyn |
Hersikorn, Denise
The Goulet Club
9:00 AM | 8 | Red | Benson, Craig + Benson, Debbie + Pekrul, Dale |
Hersikorn, Patty
Saskatoon Golf & Country Club
9:00 AM | 9A | Red | Mario, Greg + Mario, Karen + McCoshen, John |
Kolodziejski, Brent
GS Public Players Club: Zone 4 (Parkland)
9:00 AM | 18 | Blue | Kolodziejski, Heather |
Kolodziejski, Heather
GS Public Players Club: Zone 6 (Saskatoon)
9:00 AM | 18 | Red | Kolodziejski, Brent |
Koteck, George
The Goulet Club
9:00 AM | 17 | Blue | Farkas, Bonnie + Love, Danica + Love, Greg |
Krafchuk, Jeff
Saskatoon Golf & Country Club
9:00 AM | 7 | Blue | England, Curt + England, Sandra + Krafchuk, Pattie |
Krafchuk, Pattie
Saskatoon Golf & Country Club
9:00 AM | 7 | Red | England, Curt + England, Sandra + Krafchuk, Jeff |
Krainyk, Elanne
Moon Lake Golf and Country Club
9:00 AM | 1B | Red | MacNeil, Hannah + MacNeil, Paul + McAllister, Colton |
Krentz, Les
Wascana Country Club
9:00 AM | 6 | Blue | Brown, Jo + Heath, Heather + Heath, Tony |
Krienke, Kelly
GS Public Players Club: Zone 5 (Prairie Central)
9:00 AM | 2 | Red | Krienke, Ray + Ruecker, Shelley + Vall, Greg |
Krienke, Ray
GS Public Players Club: Zone 5 (Prairie Central)
9:00 AM | 2 | Blue | Krienke, Kelly + Ruecker, Shelley + Vall, Greg |
Larocque, Ian
The Legends Golf Club
9:00 AM | 1A | Blue | Piero, Brett + Piero, Crystal + Ziglo, Kathy |
Love, Danica
Wascana Country Club
9:00 AM | 17 | Red | Farkas, Bonnie + Koteck, George + Love, Greg |
Love, Greg
Wascana Country Club
9:00 AM | 17 | Blue | Farkas, Bonnie + Koteck, George + Love, Danica |
MacNeil, Hannah
Willows Golf & Country Club
9:00 AM | 1B | Red | Krainyk, Elanne + MacNeil, Paul + McAllister, Colton |
MacNeil, Paul
Rock Creek Golf Club
9:00 AM | 1B | Blue | Krainyk, Elanne + MacNeil, Hannah + McAllister, Colton |
Mario, Greg
Deer Valley Golf Course
9:00 AM | 9A | Blue | Hersikorn, Patty + Mario, Karen + McCoshen, John |
Mario, Karen
Royal Regina Golf Club
9:00 AM | 9A | Red | Hersikorn, Patty + Mario, Greg + McCoshen, John |
Marriott, Roland
The Goulet Club
9:00 AM | 5 | Blue | Rittwage, Brian + Rittwage, Lori + Zimmerman, Sandra |
McAllister, Colton
Moon Lake Golf and Country Club
9:00 AM | 1B | Blue | Krainyk, Elanne + MacNeil, Hannah + MacNeil, Paul |
McCoshen, John
GS Public Players Club: Zone 6 (Saskatoon)
9:00 AM | 9A | Blue | Hersikorn, Patty + Mario, Greg + Mario, Karen |
Obrigewitsch, Kim
Deer Valley Golf Course
9:00 AM | 4 | Red | Folk, Lindsay + Folk, Mark + Obrigewitsch, Todd |
Obrigewitsch, Todd
Deer Valley Golf Course
9:00 AM | 4 | Blue | Folk, Lindsay + Folk, Mark + Obrigewitsch, Kim |
Orr, Jim
GS Public Players Club: Zone 6 (Saskatoon)
9:00 AM | 16 | Blue | Evans, Christine + Spence, Sheila + Wudrick, Lindsay |
Pearson, Dwight
Golf Canada Club - Saskatchewan
9:00 AM | 11 | Blue | Dupont, Darren + Pearson, Heather + Schellenberg, Leanne |
Pearson, Heather
Golf Canada Club - Saskatchewan
9:00 AM | 11 | Red | Dupont, Darren + Pearson, Dwight + Schellenberg, Leanne |
Pekrul, Dale
The Goulet Club
9:00 AM | 8 | Blue | Benson, Craig + Benson, Debbie + Hersikorn, Denise |
Piero, Brett
GS Public Players Club: Zone 2 (Regina)
9:00 AM | 1A | Blue | Larocque, Ian + Piero, Crystal + Ziglo, Kathy |
Piero, Crystal
Golf Canada Club - Saskatchewan
9:00 AM | 1A | Red | Larocque, Ian + Piero, Brett + Ziglo, Kathy |
Ring, Andrea
Cooke Municipal Golf Course
9:00 AM | 3 | Red | Couzens, Gerry + Garland, Angela + Ring, Martin |
Ring, Martin
Cooke Municipal Golf Course
9:00 AM | 3 | Blue | Couzens, Gerry + Garland, Angela + Ring, Andrea |
Rittwage, Brian
The Legends Golf Club
9:00 AM | 5 | Blue | Marriott, Roland + Rittwage, Lori + Zimmerman, Sandra |
Rittwage, Lori
The Legends Golf Club
9:00 AM | 5 | Red | Marriott, Roland + Rittwage, Brian + Zimmerman, Sandra |
Ruecker, Shelley
Hillcrest Golf Club
9:00 AM | 2 | Red | Krienke, Kelly + Krienke, Ray + Vall, Greg |
Schellenberg, Leanne
Deer Valley Golf Course
9:00 AM | 11 | Red | Dupont, Darren + Pearson, Dwight + Pearson, Heather |
Seitz, Joanne
The Goulet Club
9:00 AM | 14 | Red | Strueby, Ray + Tulloch, Lynn + Tulloch, Neil |
Shew, Wyatt
Moon Lake Golf and Country Club
9:00 AM | 9B | Blue | Desrosiers, Jess + Soulier, Alicia + Thompson, Abra |
Soulier, Alicia
Moon Lake Golf and Country Club
9:00 AM | 9B | Red | Desrosiers, Jess + Shew, Wyatt + Thompson, Abra |
Souliere, Jocelyn
Wascana Country Club
9:00 AM | 13 | Red | Beug, Norman + Hemsworth, Angus + Hemsworth, Josie |
Spence, Sheila
Saskatoon Golf & Country Club
9:00 AM | 16 | Red | Evans, Christine + Orr, Jim + Wudrick, Lindsay |
Strueby, Ray
GS Public Players Club: Zone 2 (Regina)
9:00 AM | 14 | Blue | Seitz, Joanne + Tulloch, Lynn + Tulloch, Neil |
Thompson, Abra
Saskatoon Golf & Country Club
9:00 AM | 9B | Red | Desrosiers, Jess + Shew, Wyatt + Soulier, Alicia |
Tulloch, Lynn
Wascana Country Club
9:00 AM | 14 | Red | Seitz, Joanne + Strueby, Ray + Tulloch, Neil |
Tulloch, Neil
Wascana Country Club
9:00 AM | 14 | Blue | Seitz, Joanne + Strueby, Ray + Tulloch, Lynn |
Vall, Greg
Hillcrest Golf Club
9:00 AM | 2 | Blue | Krienke, Kelly + Krienke, Ray + Ruecker, Shelley |
Van Camp, Jim
River Bend Golf Club
9:00 AM | 12 | Blue | Handford, Les + Handford, Louise + Van Camp, Sheila |
Van Camp, Sheila
River Bend Golf Club
9:00 AM | 12 | Red | Handford, Les + Handford, Louise + Van Camp, Jim |
Vendramin, Shelley
Royal Regina Golf Club
9:00 AM | 15 | Red | Betnar, Delbert + Betnar, Linda + Vendramin, Tony |
Vendramin, Tony
Murray Municipal Golf Club
9:00 AM | 15 | Blue | Betnar, Delbert + Betnar, Linda + Vendramin, Shelley |
Wudrick, Lindsay
Willows Golf & Country Club
9:00 AM | 16 | Blue | Evans, Christine + Orr, Jim + Spence, Sheila |
Ziglo, Kathy
Saskatoon Golf & Country Club
9:00 AM | 1A | Red | Larocque, Ian + Piero, Brett + Piero, Crystal |
Zimmerman, Sandra
Royal Regina Golf Club
9:00 AM | 5 | Red | Marriott, Roland + Rittwage, Brian + Rittwage, Lori |