2021 Alberta U19 Championships
Carstairs Community Golf Club, July 6 - 8/2021
COVID – 19 Player Protocols
- Spectators are permitted access to the golf course and must remain 40 yards from group in which they are following. Regarding spectator positioning, please stay ahead of group to avoid impacting pace of play for groups following.
- Rakes will be present on the golf course and flag sticks may be removed at any time.
- Masks must be worn in the Carstairs Community Golf Club facilities (clubhouse & golf shop).
- ELIGIBILITY: Boys Championship has the following eligibility criteria: Entries are open to any male golfer. Golfers must be at most 18 of age as of 08/01/2021.
Girls Championship has the following eligibility criteria: Entries are open to any female golfer. Golfers must be at most 18 of age as of 08/01/2021.
- ENTRY REQUIREMENTS AND DATES: The application deadline for the Alberta U19 Championships is Wednesday, June 30, 2021 at 5:00 PM (MDT). Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted following the entry deadline.
- FORMAT INCLUDING HANDICAP MAXIMUM: 54 holes. 120 players. Cut to low 60 players and ties after 36 holes. Note: There is no age protection. Handicap factor limit: 20 boys, 30 girls.
- FORM OF PLAY: Stroke Play
- TEE MARKERS: Boys course Black Tee Markers, Girls Alberta Golf Tee Markers (Course Blue and White Teeing Areas)
- RETURNING SCORE CARD: A player’s score card has been returned to the Committee when the player has completely exited the defined scoring area, unless the player, prior to leaving, verbally informs the Committee of his intention to leave the scoring area and receives the Committee’s permission to do so.
- CLOSE OF COMPETITION: The competition is deemed to have closed when the trophy has been presented to the winners.
- PLAYOFF: In the event of a tie for the individual championships or team positions there will be a hole-by-hole sudden winner playoff beginning immediately following completion of play on hole #1, #9, #1, #9 repeated until a champion or positions are determined.
Play is governed by the 2019 Golf Canada Rules of Golf, the 2021 Alberta Golf Standard Local Rules, and where applicable, by the following Terms of the Competition and Local Rules. Rules on the host club scorecard do not apply.
Unless otherwise noted, penalty for breach of a Local Rule or Term of the Competition is the General Penalty.
- CADDIES: Caddies are not allowed in this championship. Rule 10.3 is modified in this way, “A player must not have a caddie for a round.” Local Rule H–1.1 is in effect.
- PRACTICE AREAS: Practice is permitted in the following areas:
• Practice area - Driving Range
• Practice putting green adjacent to the clubhouse.
- OUT OF BOUNDS: Defined by white stakes, white lines, white dots, and boundary fences.
- PACE OF PLAY: Pace of Play is governed by the Alberta Golf Pace of Play Policy.
- CODE OF CONDUCT: Code of Conduct and penalties are as per the Alberta Golf Code of Conduct Policy
- EVACUATION: In the event of dangerous conditions a horn will be sounded, and players should seek shelter immediately. Players will not gather at the clubhouse. Players should return to their cars/designated area outlined by the referees and host club.
- BALL PLAYED FROM OUTSIDE THE RELIEF AREA WHEN TAKING BACK ON THE LINE RELIEF: “When taking Back-On-the-Line relief, there is no additional penalty if a player plays a ball that was dropped in the relief area required by the relevant Rule (Rule 16.1c(2), 17.1d(2), 19.2b or 19.3b) but came to rest outside the relief area, so long as the ball, when played, is within one club-length of where it first touched the ground when dropped.
This exemption from penalty applies even if the ball is played from nearer the hole than the reference point (but not if played from nearer the hole than the spot of the original ball or the estimated point where the ball last crossed the edge of the penalty area).
This Local Rule does not change the procedure for taking Back-On-the-Line relief under a relevant Rule. This means that the reference point and relief area are not changed by this Local Rule and that Rule 14.3c(2) can be applied by a player who drops a ball in the right way and it comes to rest outside the relief area, whether this occurs on the first or second drop. Local Rule E-12 is in effect.
- REPLACEMENT OF BROKEN OR SIGNIFICANTLY DAMAGED CLUB: “Rule 4.1b(3) is modified in this way: If a player’s club is “broken or significantly damaged” during the round by the player or caddie, except in cases of abuse, the player may replace the club with any club under Rule 4.1b(4).
When replacing a club, the player must immediately take the broken or significantly damaged club out of play, using the procedure in Rule 4.1c(1). Local Rule G-9 is in effect.
- LIMITING WHEN STROKE MADE FROM PUTTING GREEN MUST BE REPLAYED UNDER EXCEPTION 2 TO RULE 11.1B: “Exception 2 to Rule 11.1b applies, except that when a ball played from the putting green accidentally hits: the player, the club used by the player to make the stroke or an animal defined as a loose impediment (that is, worms, insects and similar animals that can be removed easily) the stroke counts and the ball must be played as it lies. Local Rule D–7 is in effect.
- NO PLAY ZONES: Relief must be taken without penalty under Rule 16.1b. for all Flower Beds. The green behind hole #17 is a Wrong Green designated as a Ground Under Repair No Play Zone. Local Rule E-8.1 is in effect.
Drop Zone Hole #17: If a ball is in the ground under repair (behind #17 green), the player may take relief under Rule 16.1, or, as an extra option, take free relief by dropping a ball in the dropping zone beside the GUR. Local Rule E-1.2 is in effect.
- TEMPORARY IMMOVABLE OBSTRUCTIONS (TIO’s): All Starting and Scoring Tents are TIO’s. Local Rule F-23 is in effect and a player may drop on either side of the TIO
John Deneer (Tournament Director)
Tom Zariski (Tournament Rules Chair)
Tom Zariski (TRC)
Dave Mitchell
Richard Emery
Joe Rozario
John Deneer