
Player Roster

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Last Name First Name H.I.™
Altman Ben 21.4
Asnault Leo 10.5
Baughman Jeff 26.0
Bautista Jason 13.3
Berry Rodger 23.9
Black Brian 28.0
Blomquist Sean 15.8
Buckley John 15.9
Charles Keith 14.8
Delosada James 33.6
Devils Ball
Dougherty Jay 20.7
Garcia Sam 18.7
Goodman Paul 18.1
Hamilton Thomas 5.9
Kobold Michael 23.3
Kruszynski Chris 9.4
Lott Andy 18.2
Lubushkin Joseph 19.2
Mcdonell Mike 11.8
Nordman Ron 22.1
Osborn Jasen 13.2
Rabinowitz Steve 22.3
Roderick Steve 12.7
Rousset Mathias 6.2
Smith Raymond 23.7
Stephens Jason 13.9
Tacusalme Rabbonni 9.4
Tillotson Bruce 30.8
Walsh Allen 9.7
Wold Paul 6.3