Player Roster
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Last Name | First Name | Affiliation |
Ackehurst | John | Eagle Creek Golf Club |
ARSENAULT | BOB | Dalewood Golf Club |
CLARKE | GREG | Ottawa Hunt & Golf Club |
cox | glen | Briar Fox Golf & Country Club |
FOX | STEVE | Cataraqui Golf & Country Club |
Gelinas | Daniel | Kanawaki Golf Club |
GREEN | DOUG | Briar Fox Golf & Country Club |
Hackett | Jamie | Greyhawk Golf Club |
Hammond | Brian | Golf Canada Club - Ontario |
Harper | Bob | Players Club - Kingston |
Hossfeld | Tom | Hylands Golf Club |
Hreljac | Cam | Whitevale Golf Club |
Lafrenière | Kenneth J | Rivermead (Club de golf) |
MACROW | DAVE | Cataraqui Golf & Country Club |
McCullough | Richard | Cornwall Golf & Country Club |
o'hagan | robert | Golf Canada Club - Quebec |
Pearson | Todd | Greyhawk Golf Club |
POLONI | MIKE | Greensmere Golf & Country Club |
Purcell | Michael | Landings Golf Course & Teaching Centre |
Sammy | Allan | Players Club - Ottawa |
Silva | Antonio | Portuguese Canadian Golfers Association |
Wilson | Greg | Brockville Country Club |