Lady Players

The Lady Players play on Fridays and is open to all women Property Owners and long-term renters in Big Canoe with an established 18-hole handicap. Competitive individual/team games are played each week.



· Open to all women property owners and long-term renters in Big Canoe with an established 18-hole handicap

· Participants play to a maximum 36 course handicap

· $5 buy in each week

· Tee Times are "First Come, First Serve"

· Round invitations will be emailed weekly

· No dues required


The games:

Individual and team games will change weekly. Variations include Net Stableford, Quota, Low Gross/Low Net,Criss Cross, Skins. The game of the week is included on the Golf Genius weekly sign up invitation.

All scoring will be done on the Golf Genius App.


Weekly Buy In:

· Same amount each week regardless of game

· $5.00 to play


Pay Out:

· Minimum 30% of the field will "payout"

· Entire pot will be paid to winners

· Scorecard playoff in the event of ties or shared payouts decided by the organizer of the week


Round Registration:

· Round invitation emails will be sent 7 days prior to the round at 7:00 AM

· Round registration will close two days prior to the round at 7:00 AM

· Any questions or concerns please contact the Professional Staff or Lady Player Volunteers

· B.J. McCranie, Head Golf Professional / / 706-268-3149

· Judy Melville / / 678-488-7448

· Peggy Williams / / 402-321-6532

· Some rounds may be displaced due to scheduled events