Hole in One For Non-Monthly Sponsored LMGC events

    Starting in 2024, LMGC has created another Hole in One $5 sign up for events like Team Play, Bus Trips, Senior 2 Day, Ryder Cup, Presidents Cup and Like events that LMGC sponsors. This would be a hole in one fund ONLY for those other events, not the monthly tournaments. Must be paid prior to event and verified by person running said event.

The LMGC Non-Monthly Hole-in-One Fund Participants List

 List of Participants as of 9/17/2024

  Hole in One Insurance Sign Ups (for Non Monthly) Paid $5.00 Entry. Events Include Team Play, President's Cup, Quad, Ryder Cup, Club Champioship Day 1, Senior 2 Days, Away Bus Trips, Member Guest (Members Only)
  Name Pd $5   Name Pd $5   Name Pd $5   Name Pd $5
1 Abad, Christiian $5 48 Felton, Brian $5 95 McSweeny, Jon $5 142 Tagler, Craig $5
2 Bae, Rick $5 49 Frachette, Brandon $5 96 Menendez, Jorge $5 143 Teeter, James $5
3 Bainton, Kevin $5 50 Frechette, Danny $5 97 Merriman, Brian $5 144 Thomas, Danny $5
4 Bainton, Terry $5 51 Gambill. Shawn $5 98 Michelena, Kevin $5 145 Treosti, Mike $5
5 Baker, Bob $5 52 Gamlin, Kurt $5 99 Miller, Mark $5 146 Udell, Steve $5
6 Baker, Ken $5 53 Garber, Mark $5 100 Monecello, Mike $5 147 Upton, Mike $5
7 Barker, Roger $5 54 Garcia, Robert $5 101 Mori, Masahiro $5 148 Van Rijsbergen, Gary $5
8 Bartlett, Mark $5 55 Gonzales, Alex $5 102 Neil, Kent $5 149 Vaughn, Matt $5
9 Bernard, Phil $5 56 Goodman, Marshall $5 103 Nicotera, Dante $5 150 Villegas, Victor $5
10 Bianco, John $5 57 Grau, Tom $5 104 Nizich, Jared $5 151 Visser, Ryan $5
11 Bird, Tim $5 58 Gray, Brian $5 105 Oleary, Bernie $5 152 Woodside, John $5
12 Bird. Chris $5 59 Griffith, Brian $5 106 Ortega, Angel III $5 153 Woodward, Collin $5
13 Blackmore, Murdock $5 60 Grinden, Brian $5 107 Overton, Andy $5 154 Woodward, Sean $5
14 Blake, Osbourne $5 61 Harlow, David $5 108 Owen, Clint $5 155 Wright, Justin $5
15 Boateng,Boniface $5 62 Harper, Mike $5 109 Parks, Mike $5 156 Yanagisawa, Steve $5
16 Borowski, Robert $5 63 Hartman, William $5 110 Parra, Chuck $5 157 Zylstra, Coach $5
17 Bowens, Myron $5 64 Higgins, Christopher $5 111 Peterson, Daniel $5 158    
18 Bowling, Ray $5 65 Holt, Von $5 112 Potier, Mike $5 159    
19 Bruccoleri, Michael $5 66 Howard, Willie $5 113 Potter, Kenny $5 160    
20 Carpenter, Gerry $5 67 Hutchinson, Doug $5 114 Rangell, Deric $5 161    
21 Carroll, Roy $5 68 Jandro, Jim $5 115 Redmerski, Mike $5 162    
22 Case, Mike $5 69 Jeffries, Lindsay $5 116 Reeser, Daniel $5 163    
23 Chichester, Fabian $5 70 Johnson, Charles $5 117 Reeser, David $5 164    
24 Chipman, Curt $5 71 Johnson, Mark $5 118 Renta, Gary $5 165    
25 Christensen, Mike $5 72 Johnson1, Mark $5 119 Reynolds, John $5 166    
26 Chung, Rick $5 73 Keane, Mike $5 120 Reynosa, Francisco $5 167    
27 Cisneros, Steve $5 74 Keener, Dan $5 121 Rice, Chris $5 168    
28 Clary, Pat $5 75 Kelly, John $5 122 Richards, Scott $5 169    
29 Colon, Tony $5 76 Kerechuk, Armand $5 123 Riera, John $5 170    
30 Conkings, Larry $5 77 Klein, Ken $5 124 Robilotta, Bob $5 171    
31 Contreras, Raul $5 78 Knieriemn, Sal $5 125 Rodeback, Ray $5 172    
32 Curran, Jim $5 79 Knight, Rob $5 126 Rothenberg, Marc $5 173    
33 Darnaud, Lance $5 80 Knight, Woody $5 127 Rowe, Bryan $5 174    
34 Davern, Eamon $5 81 Kowal, Ryan $5 128 Rowe, Gary $5 175    
35 Davis, Jim $5 82 Larson, Eric $5 129 Rubalacaba, Al $5 176    
36 Delgado, Gerry $5 83 Ledbetter, Mike $5 130 Rubich, Joe $5 177    
37 DeVeny, Jack $5 84 Lee, Alex J $5 131 Rutkowski, Dave $5 178    
38 Devine, Tim $5 85 Lee, Jae In $5 132 Santos, Mike $5 179    
39 Ditt, Troy $5 86 Lewis, Richard $5 133 Schultz, Eric $5 180    
40 Duenas, Jesse $5 87 Lindahl, Kevin $5 134 Seyller, George $5 181    
41 Dunbar, Bill $5 88 Magill, Dave $5 135 Shugerts, Dan $5 182    
42 Dyer, Sean $5 89 Malit, Earl $5 136 Slater, Neil $5 183    
43 Ecklund, Rick $5 90 Martin, Steve $5 137 Smith, Ian $5 184    
44 Emallit, Earl $5 91 Martinez, Robert $5 138 Smith, Ken $5 185    
45 Esparza, Phil $5 92 Maxwell, Ron $5 139 Smith, Mark $5 186    
46 Fairbanks, Wayne $5 93 Mcgrail, Jon $5 140 Sorilla, Jean-Paul $5 187    
47 Falcon, Wayne $5 94 McMonegal, Mac $5 141 Suttle, Todd $5 188    
    $235     $235     $235     $80
  Total                   $785