Player Roster
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Handle | H.I.™ |
Aafedt, John | 10.1 |
Brothers, Bob | 19.2 |
Chan, Ronnie | 11.6 |
Chang, Jonathan | 12.4 |
Digirolamo, David | 8.2 |
Fasnacht, Ray | 19.5 |
Ferrarello, Rich | 7.8 |
Harari, Jim | 13.2 |
Henson, Mike | 17.3 |
Keefer, Merrill | 10.0 |
Kobayashi, Kevin | 7.2 |
Louie, Christopher | 11.2 |
Merritt, Stephen | 5.1 |
Moody, Matthew | 3.6 |
Morales, Alex | 8.4 |
Murphy, Martin | 9.5 |
Nguyen, Phong | 18.2 |
Panighetti, Jim | 7.9 |
Pricer, John | 7.5 |
Rewcastle, Philip | 4.3 |
Savnik, Barry | 10.0 |
Siegfried, Scott | 2.9 |
Stirniman, Mike | 9.7 |
Sunseri, Joe | 15.3 |
Taddei, David | 16.0 |
Tesfayohannes, Taaque | 11.7 |
Wong, Aaron | 7.2 |
Zeunen, Alan | 5.5 |