Host Club: The Meadow Club
Address: 1001 Bolinas Road, Fairfax, CA 94930
Phone Number: (415) 462-0980
Club Website:
Year Opened: 1927
Architect: Alister MacKenzie
Par: 71
Yardage: 6,734
"The cheif objective of every architect or greenkeeper worth his salt is to imitate the beauties of nature so closely as to make his work indistinguishable from nature itself." - Alister MacKenzie
Alister MacKenzie's first course in America opened in 1927, with the help of Robert Hunter. The course is situated on the Bon Tempe meadow and beneath Mount Tamalpais. The course takes advantage of the "meandering creeks, subtle elevation changes, and broad vistas". The Meadow Club is set in a high mountain meadow only 30 minutes north of the Golden Gate Bridge and San Francisco with no housing visible from the golf course. When the sun sets behind the mountains, the only light you can see is on the porch of the clubhouse. In 1999, DeVries Designs (Mike DeVries) was commissioned to oversee a restoration of the course to MacKenzie’s specifications. The result is a precise return of the greens to their original dimensions and bunkers to their original style and locations. It is ranked #18 of the Top Golf Courses in California.
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