Player Roster
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Last Name | First Name | Flight |
Allen | Greg | Sr Hogan (8.0 to 11.9) |
Archer | Kyle | Nicklaus (3.9 and under) |
Austin | Kelly | Sr Jones (16.0 to 19.9) |
Bartram | Matthew | Player (12.0 to 15.9) |
Beatty | Jim | Sr Jones (16.0 to 19.9) |
Bernd | Douglas | Sr Woods (4.0 to 7.9) |
Birchfield | Bo | Woods (4.0 to 7.9) |
Borders | Chris | Sr Hogan (8.0 to 11.9) |
Boyer | Fred | Sr Woods (4.0 to 7.9) |
Brown | Mark | Sr Hogan (8.0 to 11.9) |
Cantrell | Cooper | Hogan (8.0 to 11.9) |
Cantrell | John | Hogan (8.0 to 11.9) |
Carroll | Jim | Sr Hogan (8.0 to 11.9) |
Carter | Christopher | Player (12.0 to 15.9) |
Clark | Jay | Hogan (8.0 to 11.9) |
Cobb | Gary | Sr Woods (4.0 to 7.9) |
Conyers | David | Sr Hogan (8.0 to 11.9) |
Couchot | Larry | Sr Watson (20.0 +) |
Cowan | Clark | Sr Hogan (8.0 to 11.9) |
Croft | Kyle | Player (12.0 to 15.9) |
Cunningham Jr | Juan | Hogan (8.0 to 11.9) |
DeHart | Scott | Woods (4.0 to 7.9) |
Durm | Jim | Sr Hogan (8.0 to 11.9) |
Ebner | Christopher | Sr Player (12.0 to 15.9) |
Ebner | Greg | Sr Player (12.0 to 15.9) |
Escobedo | Robert H. | Player (12.0 to 15.9) |
Etoch | Steven | Sr Woods (4.0 to 7.9) |
Fitzgerald | Bill | Sr Woods (4.0 to 7.9) |
Foley | Tyler | Player (12.0 to 15.9) |
Hallforth | Samuel | Nicklaus (3.9 and under) |
Hardin | Jeff | Woods (4.0 to 7.9) |
Hartlage | Brian | Nicklaus (3.9 and under) |
Hooss | Ryan | Hogan (8.0 to 11.9) |
Humphries | Steve | Sr Woods (4.0 to 7.9) |
Jaggers | Chris | Sr Woods (4.0 to 7.9) |
Johnson | Steve | Sr Player (12.0 to 15.9) |
Kenner | Deontey | Nicklaus (3.9 and under) |
Kostick | Jill | Sr Jones (16.0 to 19.9) |
Kunkel | Billy | Hogan (8.0 to 11.9) |
Kyser | Chad | Woods (4.0 to 7.9) |
Lemen | Scott | Sr Player (12.0 to 15.9) |
Lister | Brook | Hogan (8.0 to 11.9) |
Long | Chad | Woods (4.0 to 7.9) |
Mason | Eric | Sr Player (12.0 to 15.9) |
McGaha | Jim | Sr Hogan (8.0 to 11.9) |
Mcgeorge | Keith | Watson (20.0 +) |
Meadows | Darryl | Sr Player (12.0 to 15.9) |
Miller | Cheston | Hogan (8.0 to 11.9) |
Modlinski | Jamie | Woods (4.0 to 7.9) |
Mowery | Scott | Sr Woods (4.0 to 7.9) |
Newsom | Richard | Sr Woods (4.0 to 7.9) |
Nigh | Teddy | Sr Woods (4.0 to 7.9) |
Oliver | Daniel | Sr Hogan (8.0 to 11.9) |
Oliver | Jeff | Player (12.0 to 15.9) |
Platt | Charles | Sr Hogan (8.0 to 11.9) |
Powers | Thomas | Woods (4.0 to 7.9) |
Riley | Keith | Sr Hogan (8.0 to 11.9) |
Rogers | Troy | Sr Woods (4.0 to 7.9) |
Rose | Billy | Hogan (8.0 to 11.9) |
Schroer | Stan | Sr Jones (16.0 to 19.9) |
Shelton | Benjamin | Hogan (8.0 to 11.9) |
Smith | Brian | Woods (4.0 to 7.9) |
Smith | Jesse | Nicklaus (3.9 and under) |
Taylor | Bill | Sr Jones (16.0 to 19.9) |
Tye | Ken | Sr Hogan (8.0 to 11.9) |
Waldespuhl | Kris | Watson (20.0 +) |
Walker | Carl | Sr Player (12.0 to 15.9) |
Wilburn | Paul | Player (12.0 to 15.9) |
Wirth | Clayton | Hogan (8.0 to 11.9) |
Wirth | Kevin | Sr Woods (4.0 to 7.9) |
Yost | Eric | Sr Woods (4.0 to 7.9) |