Player Roster
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Last Name | Affiliation | Handle |
Anderson | Philadelphia Cricket Club | Susan Anderson |
Bell | Berkshire Country Club | Natalie Bell |
Binford | Bent Creek Country Club | Lesli Binford |
Brandi | Berkshire Country Club | Nancy Brandi |
Carbone | Old York Road Country Club | Pat Carbone |
Davis | Berkshire Country Club | Barbara Davis |
Dichter | Meadia Heights Golf Club | Lisa Dichter |
Duff | Moselem Springs Golf Club | Diane Duff |
Fleig | Meadia Heights Golf Club | Mary Fleig |
Futcher | Meadia Heights Golf Club | Julianne Futcher |
Geraci | Berkshire Country Club | Lucia Geraci |
Gerhart | Berkshire Country Club | Susan Gerhart |
Hammond | Penn Oaks Golf Club | Laura Hammond |
Harrigan | Sandy Run Country Club | Susan Harrigan |
Jensen | Moselem Springs Golf Club | Colleen Jensen |
Keaveney | Meadia Heights Golf Club | Denyse Keaveney |
Kocher | LedgeRock Golf Club | Charlotte Kocher |
Kraybill | Bent Creek Country Club | Bonnie Kraybill |
Lawrence | Bent Creek Country Club | Mindy Lawrence |
Lundy | Bent Creek Country Club | Bonnie Lundy |
Maier | LedgeRock Golf Club | June Maier |
McShane | Berkshire Country Club | Peggy McShane |
Moranz | Meadia Heights Golf Club | Alicia Moranz |
Murphy | Meadia Heights Golf Club | Constance Murphy |
Najarian | Berkshire Country Club | Barbara Najarian |
Reidenhour | Moselem Springs Golf Club | Doris Reidenhour |
Sensenig | Meadia Heights Golf Club | Frances Sensenig |
Sieger | Bent Creek Country Club | Rose Sieger |
Sly | Moselem Springs Golf Club | Anne Sly |