Player Event Standings
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Number | Player |
1 | Cassidy, John |
2 | Kendregan, Liam |
3 | Phay, David |
4 | Morris, Christopher |
5 | Young, Ryan |
6 | Runge, Mitch |
7 | Scothorne, Joshua |
8 | Nelson, Ben |
9 | Whitaker, Ryan |
10 | Coleman, Keith |
11 | Styler, Will |
12 | Smith, Sam |
13 | Berry, Parker |
14 | Rodvold, Troy |
15 | Dillard, Jeff |
16 | Epstein, Matthew |
17 | Petersen, Joshua |
18 | Dickinson, Hagen |
19 | Miller, Kyle |
20 | Holmes, Chas |