
Player Roster

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Handle H.I.™
Allie, Jim 2.5
Anderson, Michael +4.1
Anderson, Steve 1.5
Armstrong, John 4.1
Arouca, Dennis 5.5
Bailey, Chris 0.6
Bartnick, David 2.4
Bastion, Brad +1.9
Bedder, Rob +1.4
Berg, John 3.8
Bernhardt, Patrick 4.3
Bitonti, Matt +0.4
Boghikian, Razmig +0.9
Brickey, Ted +0.5
Cahall, Fred 2.3
Campbell, Ryan 4.8
Champine, Jeff +1.8
Chestnut, Jimmy +5.2
Chicka, Ken 2.5
Chocola, Chris +2.0
Clark, Nathan +2.1
Comito, Frank 2.2
Coriasso, Michael +3.1
Crandall, Rick +0.3
Dauphinais, Brett 0.3
Davies, Greg +1.2
Davis, Stephen 6.6
Dehaan, Tom 0.0
Depew, Jeff 2.8
Doran, David 5.1
Emsley, Ray 1.5
Eriksen, Mark +1.5
Farner, Peter +3.0
Fedewa, Mike 2.1
Fiedorek, Paul 4.1
Firavich, Adam
French, Mark 6.1
Friel, Sean +2.4
Fugenschuh, David 1.1
Fulkerson, David 2.8
Gallagher, Tom 5.3
Gessner, Michael +1.2
Grant, Bob 7.7
Gumbis, Joseph 3.6
Gunthorpe, Jerry +3.3
Harris, Ian +0.4
Harte, Michael 3.4
Hegarty, Jim 0.8
Hiscock, Jeff 4.9
Hodarkar, Nikhil 2.5
Hudson, Brett 0.3
Hudson, Ken +0.1
Ignasiak, Mike +1.9
Janz, Eric 1.9
Johnson, Ryan +2.4
Johnston, Claud 6.6
Jona, Ron 4.6
Kane, Dennis 6.1
Kang, Paul 5.2
Karlstrom, Gunnar +1.4
Kazmierski, Jeffrey 3.6
King, Brian +2.0
King, Peter 1.7
Kircher, Stephen 0.6
Klemet, Kevin 3.1
Knudson, Jeff 3.5
Kohn, Mike 2.8
Kotas, Jud +0.9
Kragt, Bob 1.3
Kreger, Austin +3.1
Kuhl, Roger 6.1
Lee, Dave 2.6
Levan, David +2.7
Lewis, Jim +1.0
Longeway, Dan 2.8
Lucia, Layne 3.8
Maddalena, Steve +2.9
Martin, David 2.8
May, Jason +2.4
McCarthy, William 1.4
McConnon, Joe +5.6
McIlraith, Glenn 5.9
McKalko, Steve 0.9
Molnar, Matthew 3.2
Mossel, Troy 1.1
Nelson, Cameron +4.2
Nester, Jeff 8.3
Nichols, Steve +2.3
O'Brien, Drew +0.6
O'Connor, Bill +1.3
O'Donovan, John 9.7
Ochsankehl, Mark +0.1
Page, Tim 1.2
Pavlack, Rick 3.1
Pavlick, Jason 5.0
Pawlowski, Mark 1.1
Peck, Martin 4.4
Perrine, Ron 0.0
Piunti, Nick 1.4
Praet, David +3.7
Precopio, Brandon 3.4
Precopio, Dino 9.3
Quigley, John +1.8
Quintrell, Andrew 0.1
Quitiquit, Gary 2.9
Raymond, Mike 0.3
Raymond, Tom 1.3
Renn, Jordan 5.0
Rex, Tom 2.1
Rider, Jay 1.1
Riley, Derrick +1.7
Roehrig, Robert 2.6
Runyan, Tim 4.2
Runyan, Zach +1.4
Rymiszewski, Gary 0.7
Sample, Kevin +3.5
Saputo, Pete 0.6
Schoeller, Douglas +0.1
Siminski, Bob 3.5
Simmons, Donald 0.3
Slater, Mark 5.6
Smith, Andrew +1.3
Smith, Brian 5.8
Smith, Cam +1.4
Smith, Stewart 4.8
Smorch, Mike 5.5
Sorentino, Anthony +1.9
Spitz, Bradley 7.2
Sterling, Larry +1.9
Strickland, Scott +3.3
Taylor, Sheldon +2.6
Terry, Chris +0.7
Topalian, Mark +0.4
Tramski, Harold 6.7
Trudeau, Brian 4.6
Urbin, Richard +0.9
Vaclav, David +2.3
Vandam, Brad 3.3
Vandenberg, David 5.5
Vandenberg, Kevin +4.0
Vitali, Andrew +0.2
Von Bernthal, Hans 3.2
Vozza, Chris 2.2
Vrana, Tony 1.1
Williams, Rick 0.0
Zeller, Greg 0.1
Zylstra, Bill 0.9