Round 1 (Fri, September 1)

The tee sheet has not yet been released to the event portal.

Born, Keith
Bostwick, Phil
Bryant, Craig "Bear"
Burkard, Scott
Burns, Bob
Callentine, Dan
Carlson, George
Chianello, Jim
Chianello, Jim1
Coombs, Kevin
Cravens, Scott
Crowe, David
Eggersgluss , Ray
Eide, Mark
Estes, Jim
Flippen, Dave
Gilbert, Craig
Gustafson, Eric
Hinton, Tom
Hughes, Jeff
Hutchison, Don
Iverson, Dick
Iverson, Ron
James, Bobby
Jensen, Deena
Jensen, Neal
Johnson, Dave
Junkins, Martin
Lewis, Al
Marconi, Richard
McCabe, Tim
Milne, Chuck
Mowlds, Jerry
Nelson, Rick
Oberst, Rich
Otto, Donald
Peccia, Joseph
Philipsen, Brad
Pliska, Jim
Poujade, Harold
Quintero, Bruce
Re, Tony
Roberts, Carl
Rommel, Jim
Santos, Vernie
Smallbeck, Kevin
Smith, Al
Spalding, David
Stamper, John
Umbras, John
Westling, Ted
Westling, Ted1