MGA Rules & Procedures


Membership Eligibility

You must be either a BRRC Premier member or a BCC Signature member with an attested handicap of 36 or under in order to join the MGA. You are eligible to join even if you have not elected the Golf Package for either BRRC/BCC memberships.



  1. The Annual Dues for each season of play will be determined by the MGA Board of Governors.
  2. Dues are to be paid prior to the member attending his first MGA event.
  3. Members joining late in the season will be accorded a reduced rate. For those joining in February the dues will be 60% of the regular rate. For those joining March 1st or thereafter the dues will be 30% of the regular rate.


Event Participation and Rules

  1. You must be a paid up member of the MGA at the BCC or a guest of that member in order to participate in MGA events.
  2. Sign up for an event shall be through the Golf Genius Portal or App.
  3. Sign up will close at 1 PM the Tuesday prior to each Wednesday’s event.
  4. If you wish to sign up for an event after the Tuesday 1 PM deadline your request must be phoned into the BCC Head Pro. He will attempt to include you on a best efforts basis.
  5. If you’re unable to play the day of the event or decide to play on that day, you must phone in to the BCC Head Professional at least 30 minutes prior to playing time.
  6. Tee assignments will be made according to the Tee Assignment Rules in place at the time.
  7. Foursomes will be assigned by computer and reviewed by the BCC Head Pro and the Tournament Chairman or his designee. Requests to play with specific people will only be honored if it is a “pick your team” event. Otherwise you must play with whom you are assigned.
  8. Once final pairings are posted all additions and deletions will be done by the Head Pro in conjunction with the Tournament Chairman or his designee.
  9. Any member refusing to play in their assigned pairing shall become ineligible to play in that event and the following one.
  10. The maximum handicap used for event play will be 36 and no par 3’s will be accorded 2 strokes.
  11. For Multi-day events, the handicap of a member as of the date of the making of the initial pairing shall be his handicap for the entire event.
  12. All players must putt out (there are no gimmies), except in match play or if their score will not count for that hole in a 2-4 man event.
  13. If medal play, there are no pickups. Every stroke counts.
  14. The low handicap person in each foursome will be responsible for official scoring and interpretation of all applicable rules.
  15. Upon completion of the 18 holes the Scorer will give the scorecard, dated, signed, and attested, to the BCC Head Pro or to one of the BCC Golf Shop staff members on duty at the time.
  16. All score cards must be signed by 2 players. Any errors on the card will result in disqualification.
  17. All scores will be entered into the computer handicap system by the BCC Head pro or his assignee. Members should not enter their event scores by themselves.


Pace of Play

The deadline for handing in scores will be 4 ½ hours after start of the event (Normally 1 PM). Any scorecards handed in after that time will not be counted in the event. If you are in a foursome that is being held up by a foursome in front of you, you must inform the BCC Golf Shop while you are still on the course. Under these circumstances your foursome may be permitted to submit their scorecard after the 4 ½ hour deadline. This rule is elective to be determined by the board, as needed.


Acceptable Golf Course Etiquette and Behavior

 It is expected that all members conduct themselves in a way that is both courteous and considerate of both the players in your foursome as well as the players that follow you. In addition it is expected that you will follow the Rules set by the MGA.

A player may be suspended from weekly play for up to 3 weeks for any of the following reasons:

  1. Being a no-show 2 or more times during the season.
  2. Persistent slow play (More than 4 ½ hours per round for 3 or more times).
  3. Refusing to play in your assigned foursome.
  4. Unbecoming or abusive conduct.


Guest Policy

Guests are welcome. However, a particular guest may only be invited 2 times during a given season (regardless of whom the guest is invited by) within the following rules and limitations:


  1. A member may invite a particular guest one time before year-end and one time after year-end.
  2. The inviting member will be charged for his guest’s lunch and be responsible for his guest’s golf fees.
  3. If a member wishes to invite a Premier or Signature member to “try out” the MGA league he should first contact a board member before extending the invitation.


Tee Assignment Rules

The MGA has established guidelines to determine which tees our members will be best suited to play from during our events. Our objective is to enable our members to play with players of similar capabilities so that they may enjoy a competitive environment that is fair and enjoyable as well as enable everyone to compete comfortably in our ABCD events where all members of both tees are on the same team.


Tee assignment is based on each person's Handicap Index as follows:


Handicap Index                                                   Tee Assignment               

Less than or Equal to         17.8                             White

Greater than                         17.8     and                 White or Green (Your choice)              

Less than or Equal to         22.1                            


Greater than                         22.1                             Green              




If due to physical limitations, health issues or other issues that make it uncomfortable for you to play from your assigned Tee, let us know and we will address it with you.






We recognize that sometimes just by having an exceptional round or 2, or by eliminating a previously played exceptional round, you can find your index has crossed through the guideline index (e.g. your Index went from 23.1 to 22.0 after a couple of good rounds, or your index went from 21.8 to 23.0). We're not going to have you immediately play from the new tees (unless YOU want to) because the index could just as easily revert back in the following 2 weeks and you'd just be flip-flopping between tees and players throughout the season. We will wait until your Handicap Index falls or increases by at least a full point before you become under consideration to be switched.


The intent is to make your golfing experience as pleasant as possible. If you're not comfortable playing from a given set of tees, let us know. This is supposed to be fun and it's just a game.