PURPOSE: The purpose of the Association is to promote good golf, sportsmanship and fellowship among the members of the Association.
(A) Membership in the Association shall be open to any golf or social member, in good standing, of the Boca Country Club and/or the BOCA RATON RESORT & CLUB who make application thereof, remains current in the annual dues structure, and agrees to abide by its rules and regulations, and has a recognized handicap of 36 or under.
(A) The affairs of the association shall be directed by a Board of Governors which shall consist of nine (9) elected Directors of the Association. (The top 3 vote getters during the initial election shall serve a term of three (3) years: the following 4 top vote getters shall serve a term of 2 years; the remaining 4 shall serve a term of 1 year. Thereafter, each election shall be for a term of 3 years.
(B) The fiscal year of the Association shall be from October 1 of one year through September 30 of the following year, and all elected or appointed Officers and Committee Chairmen shall serve upon election at annual meeting until the next annual election.
(C) An annual meeting shall be held the second week in November, or at the discretion of the Board of Governors, at which meeting election of Directors for the following fiscal year shall take place. The Board shall set the dues structure for the ensuing year.
- Vacancies on the Board during any fiscal year may be tilled by a majority vote of the remaining members of the Board.
- At least 60 days prior to the annual meeting. The President shall appoint a Nominating Committee to select a slate of proposed Directors for the coming year. This slate shall be mailed to each member at least 30 days prior to the election. Additional nominations must be submitted in writing by two members at least 10 days prior to the election.
- The By-Laws may be amended at any regular or special meeting by a 2/3 vote of all members present, provided that written notice of each proposed amendment shall have been mailed to each member 32 days prior to the meeting. A quorum is necessary for an official meeting. A quorum is defined as 51 % of the membership.
(A) The Directors of the Association shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, which shall be elected by the Board of Governors.
(B) The duties of the Officers shall be:
(1) The PRESIDENT shall preside at all meetings of the Association and Board of Governors, and shall be ex-officio, a member of all standing committees. He shall, in general, be the spokesman for the Association.
- The VICE-PRESIDENT, in the absence of the President, shall perform the duties of the President.
- The SECRETARY, shall keep the minutes of all meetings, issue calls for meetings, care-take all correspondence and shall perform such other duties as designated by the President.
- The TREASURER, shall receive and disburse all funds of the Association; shall be responsible for their safekeeping; shall keep records of receipts and disbursements, and shall report on the Association=s account at meetings; and shall perform such other duties as designated by the President.
- Any member of the Board of Governors missing 2 consecutive duly called Board Meetings, without just cause, from November through April, shall be subject to removal from the Board of Governors by suggestion of the President and confirmation by a majority vote of the Board of Governors.
- For any item not specifically covered herein, Roberts Rules will apply. All meetings will be governed by Roberts Rules.
(A) From among members of the Board of Governors, the President shall appoint a Chairman for each of the following committees of the Association; and, remaining members of the Association shall be appointed to the Standing committees by the Committee Chairman.
- TOURNAMENT CHAIRMAN: The committee shall plan, originate and conduct all golfing events sponsored by the Association. The Chairman of the committee, or his delegate, shall be in charge of each event, and shall be the final judge of winners, order of play, qualification to participate, and rules governing the event.
- MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE: The Membership Committee will maintain complete lists of all members, and will notify the Board of Governors of all changes, and shall receive and process all new applications.
- HANDICAP & RULES COMMITTEE: The Chairman shall be responsible for the correct posting of handicaps. He also shall stand ready to advise on the Rules of Golf of the USGA; and, to establish any local rules deemed appropriate on departing from USGA rules. He shall be the final arbitrator in any dispute regarding USGA or local rules.
- PUBLICITY COMMITTEE: This committee shall be responsible for compiling and distributing such publicity of Association golf events, as will bring prestige to the Club and acknowledgment to the Association members.
- SUNSHINE COMMITTEE: The Chairman of the Sunshine Committee shall send a Get-well and a Sympathy greetings to members and families whenever appropriate.
- GRIEVANCE: This Committee shall serve to resolve any problems arising during tournament play or other competition. All grievances must be submitted, in writing, and signed by the aggrieved members.
- GREENS COMMITTEE: This committee shall have complete jurisdiction in handling suggestions and complaints directly with the Golf Pro and the Greens keeper.
- SOCIAL & ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE: This committee shall be responsible for promoting all social functions for the Boca Country Club Men’s Golf Association, including the social portion of Member/Guest luncheons, dinner/dances etc.