41st Massachusetts Father-Son Championship (Senior Division) Tee Sheet

Tue, August 15

Andover Country Club - Archived on 12-16-2020 / USGA White
Time Players
Andover Country Club - Archived on 12-16-2020
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Al Alminas Elmcrest CC
11:50 AM USGA White Jim Oppenheim / Ken Oppenheim / Pete Alminas
Andrew Howard Norfolk GC
11:40 AM USGA White Charlie Howard / Chris Nicotera / Joe Nicotera
Athan Goulos Ferncroft CC
11:10 AM USGA White John Goulos / Patrick Frodigh / Peter Frodigh
Austin Smith Concord CC
10:40 AM USGA White Austin Smith. / Joe Walker / Mike Walker
Austin Smith. Concord CC
10:40 AM USGA White Austin Smith / Joe Walker / Mike Walker
Bill Drohen Brookmeadow CC
7:00 AM USGA White David Larrivee / James Drohen / Nate Larrivee
Bob Mitchell Whaling City GC
7:30 AM USGA White Brendan Cornell / Donald Cornell / Jackson Mitchell
Bradford Costa Bradford CC
2:00 PM USGA White George Costa / George Richards / Zachary Richards
Brandon Sullivan Tekoa CC
12:30 PM USGA White Kevin Sullivan / Tom Hemingway / Tyler Hemingway
Brendan Cornell Plymouth CC
7:30 AM USGA White Bob Mitchell / Donald Cornell / Jackson Mitchell
Brendan Hunter Shaker Hills CC
10:50 AM USGA White Howard Hunter / James Hervol / Jimmy Hervol
Brendan Martin Charles River CC
9:10 AM USGA White Jonathan Rajcula / Stephen Rajcula / Timothy Martin
Brendan Monahan Winchester CC
8:30 AM USGA White David Currey / Joseph Monahan III / Robert Currey
Brendan Sheehy Indian Ridge CC
8:00 AM USGA White Jeff Magee / Jeffrey Magee / Tim Sheehy
Brendan Shields Hyannisport Club
10:20 AM USGA White John Shields / Scott Nickerson / Taylor Nickerson
Brian Haskell Stow Acres CC
12:10 PM USGA White Dave Haskell / Jack Blanchard / John Blanchard
Bryan Eger The Ridge Club
10:10 AM USGA White Bryan Eger, Jr. / Jay Magarian / Zachary Magarian
Bryan Eger, Jr. Kittansett Club
10:10 AM USGA White Bryan Eger / Jay Magarian / Zachary Magarian
Cam Manning Harmon GC
12:20 PM USGA White Matthew Maskell / Rich Manning / Steve Maskell
Cameron Boraski Wyantenuck CC
8:50 AM USGA White Dan Koerner / George Koerner / Ted Boraski
Charlie Howard Norfolk GC
11:40 AM USGA White Andrew Howard / Chris Nicotera / Joe Nicotera
Chris Nicotera CC of Halifax
11:40 AM USGA White Andrew Howard / Charlie Howard / Joe Nicotera
Christian Mckenna Beverly G&TC
7:40 AM USGA White Jared Silva / Manny Silva / Mike Mckenna
Connor Hayes Norton CC
11:00 AM USGA White Joseph Hayes, III / Mark Souliotis / Michael Souliotis
Dan Koerner Merrimack Valley
8:50 AM USGA White Cameron Boraski / George Koerner / Ted Boraski
Dan Korpita Southampton CC
9:00 AM USGA White Jeff Kline / Michael Korpita / Patrick Kline
Daniel Iannotti The Ridge Club
1:50 PM USGA White Jonathan Yorks / Jordan Yorks / Steve Iannotti
Dave Haskell Stow Acres CC
12:10 PM USGA White Brian Haskell / Jack Blanchard / John Blanchard
David Cook Dennis Pines GC
12:40 PM USGA White Joe Henley / Phillip Cook / robert henley
David Currey Brae Burn CC
8:30 AM USGA White Brendan Monahan / Joseph Monahan III / Robert Currey
David Larrivee Granite Links GC
7:00 AM USGA White Bill Drohen / James Drohen / Nate Larrivee
David Pierce CC of Halifax
2:10 PM USGA White David Pierce, Jr.
David Pierce, Jr. CC of Halifax
2:10 PM USGA White David Pierce
David Rubin Lexington GC
9:50 AM USGA White Jeff Barber / Michael Rubin / Zachry Barber
Davis Hyland Hopedale CC
1:10 PM USGA White Michael Plansky / Michael Plansky. / Robert Hyland
Dennis Kirwan Widows Walk GC
1:30 PM USGA White Mike Landry / Thomas Kirwan / Tom Landry
Donald Cornell Plymouth CC
7:30 AM USGA White Bob Mitchell / Brendan Cornell / Jackson Mitchell
Doug Briggs Indian Ridge CC
12:00 PM USGA White Stanley Briggs / Tony Conigliari / Tyler Conigliari
Doug Maccaferri Plymouth CC
11:20 AM USGA White Doug Maccaferri. / Jordan Dean / Robert Dean
Doug Maccaferri. Plymouth CC
11:20 AM USGA White Doug Maccaferri / Jordan Dean / Robert Dean
Eric Fontaine Westover GC
1:20 PM USGA White James Fontaine / Michael Parissi / Tom Parissi
Frank Vana Sr. MGA Links
8:40 AM USGA White Frank Vana, Jr. / T.P. Tunstall / Tim Tunstall
Frank Vana, Jr. Andover CC
8:40 AM USGA White Frank Vana Sr. / T.P. Tunstall / Tim Tunstall
George Costa Bradford CC
2:00 PM USGA White Bradford Costa / George Richards / Zachary Richards
George Garivaltis Taconic GC
1:00 PM USGA White George Krall / Sam Garivaltis / Stephan Krall
George Koerner Merrimack Valley
8:50 AM USGA White Cameron Boraski / Dan Koerner / Ted Boraski
George Krall South Shore CC
1:00 PM USGA White George Garivaltis / Sam Garivaltis / Stephan Krall
George Richards Captains GC
2:00 PM USGA White Bradford Costa / George Costa / Zachary Richards
Gregg Lindo Crestwood CC
7:50 AM USGA White Jeff Lindo / John Kellegrew / Travis Kellegrew
Howard Hunter Red Tail GC
10:50 AM USGA White Brendan Hunter / James Hervol / Jimmy Hervol
Hugh Mullin Hyannisport Club
9:30 AM USGA White Joe Brosseau / Joe Brosseau. / Peter Mullin
Jack Blanchard Franconia GC
12:10 PM USGA White Brian Haskell / Dave Haskell / John Blanchard
Jack Koziol Wachusett CC
8:20 AM USGA White Josh Savel / Mark Savel / TJ Koziol
Jackson Mitchell Kittansett Club
7:30 AM USGA White Bob Mitchell / Brendan Cornell / Donald Cornell
James Drohen Bradford CC
7:00 AM USGA White Bill Drohen / David Larrivee / Nate Larrivee
James Fontaine Westover GC
1:20 PM USGA White Eric Fontaine / Michael Parissi / Tom Parissi
James Hervol Hopkinton CC
10:50 AM USGA White Brendan Hunter / Howard Hunter / Jimmy Hervol
James Murphy Woodland GC
7:20 AM USGA White Mike Murphy / Sam Jenkins / Skip Jenkins
Jared Silva Pine Valley CC
7:40 AM USGA White Christian Mckenna / Manny Silva / Mike Mckenna
Jason Grondin Ludlow CC
8:10 AM USGA White Jay Ruschioni / Jim Ruschioni / Paul Nunez
Jay Magarian Green Hill GC
10:10 AM USGA White Bryan Eger / Bryan Eger, Jr. / Zachary Magarian
Jay Ruschioni Wachusett CC
8:10 AM USGA White Jason Grondin / Jim Ruschioni / Paul Nunez
Jeff Barber Captains GC
9:50 AM USGA White David Rubin / Michael Rubin / Zachry Barber
Jeff Hunt CC of Wilbraham
10:30 AM USGA White Stephen Hunt / Steven Tasho / Steven Tasho.
Jeff Kline Sandy Burr CC
9:00 AM USGA White Dan Korpita / Michael Korpita / Patrick Kline
Jeff Lindo Segregansett CC
7:50 AM USGA White Gregg Lindo / John Kellegrew / Travis Kellegrew
Jeff Magee Framingham CC
8:00 AM USGA White Brendan Sheehy / Jeffrey Magee / Tim Sheehy
Jeff Racz Orchards GC
12:50 PM USGA White Mark Lemons / Rich Racz / Tom Lemons
Jeffrey Magee Framingham CC
8:00 AM USGA White Brendan Sheehy / Jeff Magee / Tim Sheehy
Jeffrey S Tribou Pocasset GC
9:20 AM USGA White Jim Holbrook / Michael Holbrook / Robert Tribou
Jerry Markham Wenham CC
1:40 PM USGA White Mike Scibelli / Mike Scibelli, Jr / Nicholas Markham
Jim Holbrook Ferncroft CC
9:20 AM USGA White Jeffrey S Tribou / Michael Holbrook / Robert Tribou
Jim Oppenheim Indian Ridge CC
11:50 AM USGA White Al Alminas / Ken Oppenheim / Pete Alminas
Jim Ruschioni Wachusett CC
8:10 AM USGA White Jason Grondin / Jay Ruschioni / Paul Nunez
Jimmy Hervol Hopkinton CC
10:50 AM USGA White Brendan Hunter / Howard Hunter / James Hervol
Joe Brosseau Springfield CC
9:30 AM USGA White Hugh Mullin / Joe Brosseau. / Peter Mullin
Joe Brosseau. Springfield CC
9:30 AM USGA White Hugh Mullin / Joe Brosseau / Peter Mullin
Joe Henley Longmeadow CC
12:40 PM USGA White David Cook / Phillip Cook / robert henley
Joe Nicotera CC of Halifax
11:40 AM USGA White Andrew Howard / Charlie Howard / Chris Nicotera
Joe Walker Dennis Pines GC
10:40 AM USGA White Austin Smith / Austin Smith. / Mike Walker
Joesph Legendre Whitinsville GC
7:10 AM USGA White Paul Legendre / Philip Clark / Vincent Clark
John Blanchard Franconia GC
12:10 PM USGA White Brian Haskell / Dave Haskell / Jack Blanchard
John Drago Plymouth CC
10:00 AM USGA White Nick Drago / Paul Ferraro / Steven Ferraro
John Goulos Meadow at Peabody
11:10 AM USGA White Athan Goulos / Patrick Frodigh / Peter Frodigh
John Kellegrew Bay Pointe CC
7:50 AM USGA White Gregg Lindo / Jeff Lindo / Travis Kellegrew
John Shields Hyannisport Club
10:20 AM USGA White Brendan Shields / Scott Nickerson / Taylor Nickerson
Jonathan Rajcula Hopedale CC
9:10 AM USGA White Brendan Martin / Stephen Rajcula / Timothy Martin
Jonathan Yorks Kernwood CC
1:50 PM USGA White Daniel Iannotti / Jordan Yorks / Steve Iannotti
Jordan Dean Blackstone GC
11:20 AM USGA White Doug Maccaferri / Doug Maccaferri. / Robert Dean
Jordan Yorks Kernwood CC
1:50 PM USGA White Daniel Iannotti / Jonathan Yorks / Steve Iannotti
Joseph Hayes, III Norton CC
11:00 AM USGA White Connor Hayes / Mark Souliotis / Michael Souliotis
Joseph Monahan III Winchester CC
8:30 AM USGA White Brendan Monahan / David Currey / Robert Currey
Josh Savel The Haven CC
8:20 AM USGA White Jack Koziol / Mark Savel / TJ Koziol
Ken Oppenheim Indian Ridge CC
11:50 AM USGA White Al Alminas / Jim Oppenheim / Pete Alminas
Kevin Sullivan Wahconah CC
12:30 PM USGA White Brandon Sullivan / Tom Hemingway / Tyler Hemingway
Manny Silva Pine Valley CC
7:40 AM USGA White Christian Mckenna / Jared Silva / Mike Mckenna
Mark Lemons Cyprian Keyes GC
12:50 PM USGA White Jeff Racz / Rich Racz / Tom Lemons
Mark Savel The Haven CC
8:20 AM USGA White Jack Koziol / Josh Savel / TJ Koziol
Mark Souliotis Haverhill CC
11:00 AM USGA White Connor Hayes / Joseph Hayes, III / Michael Souliotis
Matthew Maskell Winchester CC
12:20 PM USGA White Cam Manning / Rich Manning / Steve Maskell
Michael Holbrook Ferncroft CC
9:20 AM USGA White Jeffrey S Tribou / Jim Holbrook / Robert Tribou
Michael Korpita Southampton CC
9:00 AM USGA White Dan Korpita / Jeff Kline / Patrick Kline
Michael Parissi Tatnuck CC
1:20 PM USGA White Eric Fontaine / James Fontaine / Tom Parissi
Michael Plansky Black Swan CC
1:10 PM USGA White Davis Hyland / Michael Plansky. / Robert Hyland
Michael Plansky. Haverhill CC
1:10 PM USGA White Davis Hyland / Michael Plansky / Robert Hyland
Michael Rubin Lexington GC
9:50 AM USGA White David Rubin / Jeff Barber / Zachry Barber
Michael Souliotis Haverhill CC
11:00 AM USGA White Connor Hayes / Joseph Hayes, III / Mark Souliotis
Mike Landry Tedesco CC
1:30 PM USGA White Dennis Kirwan / Thomas Kirwan / Tom Landry
Mike Mckenna Far Corner GC
7:40 AM USGA White Christian Mckenna / Jared Silva / Manny Silva
Mike Murphy Woodland GC
7:20 AM USGA White James Murphy / Sam Jenkins / Skip Jenkins
Mike Scibelli Elmcrest CC
1:40 PM USGA White Jerry Markham / Mike Scibelli, Jr / Nicholas Markham
Mike Scibelli, Jr Elmcrest CC
1:40 PM USGA White Jerry Markham / Mike Scibelli / Nicholas Markham
Mike Walker Dennis Pines GC
10:40 AM USGA White Austin Smith / Austin Smith. / Joe Walker
Nate Larrivee Granite Links GC
7:00 AM USGA White Bill Drohen / David Larrivee / James Drohen
Nicholas Markham Kernwood CC
1:40 PM USGA White Jerry Markham / Mike Scibelli / Mike Scibelli, Jr
Nick Drago Plymouth CC
10:00 AM USGA White John Drago / Paul Ferraro / Steven Ferraro
Patrick Frodigh Dedham C & PC
11:10 AM USGA White Athan Goulos / John Goulos / Peter Frodigh
Patrick Kline Sandy Burr CC
9:00 AM USGA White Dan Korpita / Jeff Kline / Michael Korpita
Paul Ferraro Blackstone GC
10:00 AM USGA White John Drago / Nick Drago / Steven Ferraro
Paul Legendre Heritage CC
7:10 AM USGA White Joesph Legendre / Philip Clark / Vincent Clark
Paul Nunez Ludlow CC
8:10 AM USGA White Jason Grondin / Jay Ruschioni / Jim Ruschioni
Pete Alminas GreatHorse
11:50 AM USGA White Al Alminas / Jim Oppenheim / Ken Oppenheim
Peter Frodigh Dedham C & PC
11:10 AM USGA White Athan Goulos / John Goulos / Patrick Frodigh
Peter Mullin Hyannisport Club
9:30 AM USGA White Hugh Mullin / Joe Brosseau / Joe Brosseau.
Philip Clark George Wright GC
7:10 AM USGA White Joesph Legendre / Paul Legendre / Vincent Clark
Phillip Cook Dennis Pines GC
12:40 PM USGA White David Cook / Joe Henley / robert henley
Rich Manning Harmon GC
12:20 PM USGA White Cam Manning / Matthew Maskell / Steve Maskell
12:50 PM USGA White Jeff Racz / Mark Lemons / Tom Lemons
Robert Currey Brae Burn CC
8:30 AM USGA White Brendan Monahan / David Currey / Joseph Monahan III
Robert Dean Blackstone GC
11:20 AM USGA White Doug Maccaferri / Doug Maccaferri. / Jordan Dean
Robert Hyland Hopedale CC
1:10 PM USGA White Davis Hyland / Michael Plansky / Michael Plansky.
Robert Tribou Pocasset GC
9:20 AM USGA White Jeffrey S Tribou / Jim Holbrook / Michael Holbrook
Sam Garivaltis Taconic GC
1:00 PM USGA White George Garivaltis / George Krall / Stephan Krall
Sam Jenkins Harmon GC
7:20 AM USGA White James Murphy / Mike Murphy / Skip Jenkins
Scott Nickerson New Seabury
10:20 AM USGA White Brendan Shields / John Shields / Taylor Nickerson
Skip Jenkins Harmon GC
7:20 AM USGA White James Murphy / Mike Murphy / Sam Jenkins
Stanley Briggs Plymouth CC
12:00 PM USGA White Doug Briggs / Tony Conigliari / Tyler Conigliari
Stephan Krall Marshfield CC
1:00 PM USGA White George Garivaltis / George Krall / Sam Garivaltis
Stephen Hunt CC of Wilbraham
10:30 AM USGA White Jeff Hunt / Steven Tasho / Steven Tasho.
Stephen Rajcula Hopedale CC
9:10 AM USGA White Brendan Martin / Jonathan Rajcula / Timothy Martin
Steve Iannotti The Ridge Club
1:50 PM USGA White Daniel Iannotti / Jonathan Yorks / Jordan Yorks
Steve Maskell Winchester CC
12:20 PM USGA White Cam Manning / Matthew Maskell / Rich Manning
Steven Ferraro Blackstone GC
10:00 AM USGA White John Drago / Nick Drago / Paul Ferraro
Steven Tasho Thorny Lea GC
10:30 AM USGA White Jeff Hunt / Stephen Hunt / Steven Tasho.
Steven Tasho. Thorny Lea GC
10:30 AM USGA White Jeff Hunt / Stephen Hunt / Steven Tasho
T.P. Tunstall Elmcrest CC
8:40 AM USGA White Frank Vana Sr. / Frank Vana, Jr. / Tim Tunstall
TJ Koziol George Wright GC
8:20 AM USGA White Jack Koziol / Josh Savel / Mark Savel
Taylor Nickerson New Seabury
10:20 AM USGA White Brendan Shields / John Shields / Scott Nickerson
Ted Boraski Wahconah CC
8:50 AM USGA White Cameron Boraski / Dan Koerner / George Koerner
Thomas Kirwan Widows Walk GC
1:30 PM USGA White Dennis Kirwan / Mike Landry / Tom Landry
Tim Sheehy Indian Ridge CC
8:00 AM USGA White Brendan Sheehy / Jeff Magee / Jeffrey Magee
Tim Tunstall Longmeadow CC
8:40 AM USGA White Frank Vana Sr. / Frank Vana, Jr. / T.P. Tunstall
Timothy Martin Charles River CC
9:10 AM USGA White Brendan Martin / Jonathan Rajcula / Stephen Rajcula
Tom Hemingway Reservation GC
12:30 PM USGA White Brandon Sullivan / Kevin Sullivan / Tyler Hemingway
Tom Landry Tedesco CC
1:30 PM USGA White Dennis Kirwan / Mike Landry / Thomas Kirwan
Tom Lemons Cyprian Keyes GC
12:50 PM USGA White Jeff Racz / Mark Lemons / Rich Racz
Tom Parissi Pine Ridge CC
1:20 PM USGA White Eric Fontaine / James Fontaine / Michael Parissi
Tony Conigliari Bass Rocks GC
12:00 PM USGA White Doug Briggs / Stanley Briggs / Tyler Conigliari
Travis Kellegrew Nabnasset Lake CC
7:50 AM USGA White Gregg Lindo / Jeff Lindo / John Kellegrew
Tyler Conigliari Bass Rocks GC
12:00 PM USGA White Doug Briggs / Stanley Briggs / Tony Conigliari
Tyler Hemingway Reservation GC
12:30 PM USGA White Brandon Sullivan / Kevin Sullivan / Tom Hemingway
Vincent Clark Cape Cod CC
7:10 AM USGA White Joesph Legendre / Paul Legendre / Philip Clark
Zachary Magarian Green Hill GC
10:10 AM USGA White Bryan Eger / Bryan Eger, Jr. / Jay Magarian
Zachary Richards Captains GC
2:00 PM USGA White Bradford Costa / George Costa / George Richards
Zachry Barber Captains GC
9:50 AM USGA White David Rubin / Jeff Barber / Michael Rubin
robert henley Quail Ridge CC
12:40 PM USGA White David Cook / Joe Henley / Phillip Cook