OSWGA Senior Women's Championship

Monday July 27th, 2020

* 8:00 Shotgun *

Open to all Female Players that meet age Requirement
of at least 50 yrs old as of July 15


Crystal Lake Golf Club


100 Broncos Highway, Mapleville RI

401-567-4500 www.crystallakegolfclub.com

Format: Medal Play by Division

Age Requirement as of July 15th

Senior 50-59

Super Senior 60 -69

Legend 70 and Over

Include age & date of birth on entry form

Entry Fee:  $65 members - $75 non-members

Carts and lunch are included


Please note that at this time, Crystal Lake is not offering a single cart option. 

We are awaiting an answer at to whether they will offer single carts for an

additional fee. We will post updates as we receive them. 


Registration opens Monday July 13th / Closes Monday July 20th