2017 MWA Volunteer Information
Thank you so much for agreeing to volunteer for the 2017 Maine Women's Amateur to be held at Martindale Country Club starting Monday, July 24th, July 25th, and July 26th. Please review the following information carefully as it will help to answer any questions you may have.
Recommended attire: Please wear white shirts and khaki or light-colored shorts or capris, layers as you wish for the mornings. A tan or white hat or visor is recommended. Wear comfortable shoes. Binoculars are optional for spotters.
Check-in time and location: Please come to the registration table at the assigned time so as to go over your tasks and get you to your appropriate location. This table will be located on the front porch of the clubhouse.
Drinks, snacks, and facilities: Breakfast will not be provided. Water and snacks will be provided. Facilities are on holes 5 & 14 and at the clubhouse. Water is available on 5,12 and in between 13 & 14.
General role for all volunteers on the golf course: As you know, we volunteers do not provide advice or interpret the Rules of Golf. The USGA Rules Officials on the course are the authority for the Rules of Golf. If a player asks you to assist in locating a USGA official, use your cell phone to call the clubhouse. Cell phone rings should be shut off at all times during the shift.
Role of the Spotter: Our job as spotters is to assist players in finding their ball. Small flags will be provided for you to use in assisting the players. If you see a shot going right or left and likely in a hazard or OB, please use the forecaddie hand signals shown on the additional sheet to indicate its position. If you see a shot land safely, but out of sight of the player, give the baseball “safe” sign. Be totally familiar with the signals. READ DUTIES OF THE SPOTTER on separate attachment. I would suggest one of the two of you bring a lawn chair.
Thanks: As a volunteer, you are integral to the smooth running and success of this tournament. Have fun while enjoying the excellent play of Maine's women golfers! AND THANKS FOR SAYING YES! Shifts are approximately three to four hours.
With lots of appreciation, Michele Davis and the MWA Executive Board
Duties of a spotter:
Let players know when it's safe to hit (when group in front is out of range) if it's a blind shot. See hand signal (#6 Come On) on another sheet.
Watch where player's ball goes.
Use hand signals to let player know if ball is:
SAFE (hand signal #1)
OUT OF BOUNDS (hand signal #3)
IN HAZARD (hand signal #7)
Locate and mark with a towel or flag if possible.
A spotter may not:
1) touch a player's ball
2) offer advice of any kind
3) give any rules advice