Black Friday Scramble Tee Sheet

Round 1 - Fri, November 27

The Country Club of Hudson - Archived on 04-21-2022
Time Hole Players
The Country Club of Hudson - Archived on 04-21-2022
Player Tee Time Hole Tee Other Players
Ambrosia, Brian
10:00 AM 13 White Buzzelli, Nick + Churchwell, Brian + Schmitt, Alex
Barsella, James
10:00 AM 1 White Cart, Bob + Dunlap, Jeffrey + Murray, Robert
Baskin, Brett
10:00 AM 14 White Martin, Paul + Nett, Cody + Young, Jay
Blum, Brett
10:00 AM 9 White Buynak, Michael + Michel, Gabriel + Paolucci, Dean
Bock, Mark
10:00 AM 11 White Chadwick, Don + Durrett, Don + Lewis, Tracy
Bortnik, Luke
10:00 AM 8 White Cronkey, Damon + Foster, Sam + Haas, Scott
Buynak, Michael
10:00 AM 9 White Blum, Brett + Michel, Gabriel + Paolucci, Dean
Buzzelli, Nick
10:00 AM 13 White Ambrosia, Brian + Churchwell, Brian + Schmitt, Alex
Cart, Bob
10:00 AM 1 White Barsella, James + Dunlap, Jeffrey + Murray, Robert
Cassidy, Dana
10:00 AM 15 White Johnston, Jim + Lang, Jim + Nolfi, Gregory
Chadwick, Don
10:00 AM 11 White Bock, Mark + Durrett, Don + Lewis, Tracy
Churchwell, Brian
10:00 AM 13 White Ambrosia, Brian + Buzzelli, Nick + Schmitt, Alex
Cronkey, Damon
10:00 AM 8 White Bortnik, Luke + Foster, Sam + Haas, Scott
DiMarco, Dan
10:00 AM 16 White DiMarco, Matthew + DiMarco, Nathan
DiMarco, Matthew
10:00 AM 16 White DiMarco, Dan + DiMarco, Nathan
DiMarco, Nathan
10:00 AM 16 White DiMarco, Dan + DiMarco, Matthew
Dohner, Christopher
10:00 AM 12 White Etling + Hricko, Matthew + Marino, Chris
Dowling, Tom
10:00 AM 6 White Falkowski, Jeff + Nye, Brian + Ribovich, Adrian
Dunlap, Jeffrey
10:00 AM 1 White Barsella, James + Cart, Bob + Murray, Robert
Dunne, Adam
10:00 AM 10 White Dunne, Don + Kokrak, Jason + Kokrak, Jimmy
Dunne, Don
10:00 AM 10 White Dunne, Adam + Kokrak, Jason + Kokrak, Jimmy
Durrett, Don
10:00 AM 11 White Bock, Mark + Chadwick, Don + Lewis, Tracy
10:00 AM 12 White Dohner, Christopher + Hricko, Matthew + Marino, Chris
Falkowski, Jeff
10:00 AM 6 White Dowling, Tom + Nye, Brian + Ribovich, Adrian
Fares, Thomas
10:00 AM 4 White Rakotci, Thomas + Robinson, Richard + Smyth, Arthur
Foster, Sam
10:00 AM 8 White Bortnik, Luke + Cronkey, Damon + Haas, Scott
Godic, Richard
10:00 AM 5 White Rohm, Bill + Siracusa, Tony + Slama, Randy
Haas, Scott
10:00 AM 8 White Bortnik, Luke + Cronkey, Damon + Foster, Sam
Hricko, Matthew
10:00 AM 12 White Dohner, Christopher + Etling + Marino, Chris
Ireland, Matt
10:00 AM 7 White Rindo, Ryan + Talty, Jeffrey + Talty, Matt
Iski, John
10:00 AM 2 White Talbot, Michael + Talbot, Sean + Valentino, Michael
Johnston, Jim
10:00 AM 15 Gold Tees Cassidy, Dana + Lang, Jim + Nolfi, Gregory
Kokrak, Jason
10:00 AM 10 White Dunne, Adam + Dunne, Don + Kokrak, Jimmy
Kokrak, Jimmy
10:00 AM 10 White Dunne, Adam + Dunne, Don + Kokrak, Jason
Lang, Jim
10:00 AM 15 White Cassidy, Dana + Johnston, Jim + Nolfi, Gregory
Lewis, Tracy
10:00 AM 11 White Bock, Mark + Chadwick, Don + Durrett, Don
Marino, Chris
10:00 AM 12 White Dohner, Christopher + Etling + Hricko, Matthew
Martin, Paul
10:00 AM 14 White Baskin, Brett + Nett, Cody + Young, Jay
Meikle, Tyson
10:00 AM 3 White Smith, Keith + Villenauve, Burke + Villenauve, Matt
Michel, Gabriel
10:00 AM 9 White Blum, Brett + Buynak, Michael + Paolucci, Dean
Murphy, Kevin
10:00 AM 17 White Murphy, Seam + Ward, Sean
Murphy, Seam
10:00 AM 17 White Murphy, Kevin + Ward, Sean
Murray, Robert
10:00 AM 1 White Barsella, James + Cart, Bob + Dunlap, Jeffrey
Nett, Cody
10:00 AM 14 White Baskin, Brett + Martin, Paul + Young, Jay
Nolfi, Gregory
10:00 AM 15 White Cassidy, Dana + Johnston, Jim + Lang, Jim
Nye, Brian
10:00 AM 6 White Dowling, Tom + Falkowski, Jeff + Ribovich, Adrian
Paolucci, Dean
10:00 AM 9 White Blum, Brett + Buynak, Michael + Michel, Gabriel
Piekarski, Garrett
10:00 AM 18 White Piekarski, Mike + Piekarski, Richard + Piekarski, Richie
Piekarski, Mike
10:00 AM 18 White Piekarski, Garrett + Piekarski, Richard + Piekarski, Richie
Piekarski, Richard
10:00 AM 18 White Piekarski, Garrett + Piekarski, Mike + Piekarski, Richie
Piekarski, Richie
10:00 AM 18 White Piekarski, Garrett + Piekarski, Mike + Piekarski, Richard
Rakotci, Thomas
10:00 AM 4 White Fares, Thomas + Robinson, Richard + Smyth, Arthur
Ribovich, Adrian
10:00 AM 6 White Dowling, Tom + Falkowski, Jeff + Nye, Brian
Rindo, Ryan
10:00 AM 7 White Ireland, Matt + Talty, Jeffrey + Talty, Matt
Robinson, Richard
10:00 AM 4 Gold Tees Fares, Thomas + Rakotci, Thomas + Smyth, Arthur
Rohm, Bill
10:00 AM 5 White Godic, Richard + Siracusa, Tony + Slama, Randy
Schmitt, Alex
10:00 AM 13 White Ambrosia, Brian + Buzzelli, Nick + Churchwell, Brian
Siracusa, Tony
10:00 AM 5 White Godic, Richard + Rohm, Bill + Slama, Randy
Slama, Randy
10:00 AM 5 White Godic, Richard + Rohm, Bill + Siracusa, Tony
Smith, Keith
10:00 AM 3 White Meikle, Tyson + Villenauve, Burke + Villenauve, Matt
Smyth, Arthur
10:00 AM 4 White Fares, Thomas + Rakotci, Thomas + Robinson, Richard
Talbot, Michael
10:00 AM 2 White Iski, John + Talbot, Sean + Valentino, Michael
Talbot, Sean
10:00 AM 2 White Iski, John + Talbot, Michael + Valentino, Michael
Talty, Jeffrey
10:00 AM 7 White Ireland, Matt + Rindo, Ryan + Talty, Matt
Talty, Matt
10:00 AM 7 White Ireland, Matt + Rindo, Ryan + Talty, Jeffrey
Valentino, Michael
10:00 AM 2 White Iski, John + Talbot, Michael + Talbot, Sean
Villenauve, Burke
10:00 AM 3 White Meikle, Tyson + Smith, Keith + Villenauve, Matt
Villenauve, Matt
10:00 AM 3 White Meikle, Tyson + Smith, Keith + Villenauve, Burke
Ward, Sean
10:00 AM 17 White Murphy, Kevin + Murphy, Seam
Young, Jay
10:00 AM 14 White Baskin, Brett + Martin, Paul + Nett, Cody