Fall Series VI 

Elkhorn GC 

September 26-27, 2020

Notice to Players


2020 COVID Guidelines and Policies must be followed.

The current USGA Rules of Golf apply and are supplemented by the JTNC Hard Card and the following Local Rules:


Tees:  Junior Tour tee markers will be used.  Play will be from where the JTNC tee markers are placed.

Blue: Boys Championship Flight.   White: Boys First Flight & Girls Championship Flight.   Red: Girls First Flight.

Score Cards:  The Elkhorn GC scorecard is unofficial and has no status.


Flower Beds:  Flower beds on the course are no play zones that are treated as abnormal course conditions. Free relief must be taken from interference by the no play zone under Rule 16.1f (MLR E-8.1).


Seams of Cut Turf (Sod Seams): Local Rule as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect. Model Local Rule F-7. 


Maintenance Road: Hole #5: The road on the left side is an Immovable Obstruction and the player is entitled to relief as prescribed in Rule16.1


Public Road: A ball coming to rest on or beyond a public road defined as out of bounds is out of bounds, even if it comes to rest on another part of the course that is in bounds for other holes.


Out of Bounds:  Defined by either white stakes, edges of cart paths, boundary fences/walls, curbs of public roads, and white painted lines. 

Note:   - Left of hole #2 the Fence line defines out of bounds

- The driving range is out of bounds.

- Starting at the fence line, left of hole #4 cart path edge defines out of bounds

- Behind the green of hole #9 the white line will define out of bounds


Protection of Young Trees:  Protection of young trees is identified by stakes or wiring. The young trees identified are no play zones. If a player’s ball lies anywhere on the course other than in a penalty area and it lies on or touches such a tee or such a tree interferes with the player’s stance or area or intended swing, the player must take relief under rule 16.1f. If the ball lies in a penalty area, and interference to the player’s stance or area of intended swing exists from such a tree, the player must take relief either with penalty under Rule 17.1e or with free relief under Rule 17.1e(2). 


Ground Under Repair: GUR has been marked with white paint.  If your ball is not found it must be known or virtually certain it has gone into the area of GUR.  


Restrooms:  Located between holes #4, 5, 12, 13 and holes #6, 7, 15.


Bunkers:  Preferred Lies will be allowed in all Bunkers. 

  • When a player’s ball lies in a bunker, the player may take free relief once by placing the original ball or another ball in and playing it from this relief area: 

    • Size of Relief Area Measured from Reference Point: One club-length from the reference point, but with these limits: 

    • Limits on Location of Relief Area: 

      • Must not be nearer the hole than the reference point, and 

      • Must be in the same bunker. 


Pace of Play:  Maximum allotted playing time today will be 4 hours and 50 minutes, 2:24 Front Nine / 2:21 Back Nine.  JTNC Pace of Play Policy will be in effect.