Welcome to the 2020 Valley View Men's Association member portal.
All results and standings can be found here.
- Members are required to pay annual club dues of $25.00
- Members must have an active GHIN number issued by the Utah Golf Association. Please call the U.G.A. at (801)563-0400
- Saturday tournament entry fees are $35.00. Tuesday Men's weekly entry fees are $11.00 each game. Entry fees do not include green fee or cart fee.
- Tournaments will be played from the blue tees. (Except) 60 and older with a 5.0 and up index are eligible for white tees. (See Dustin or Pete)
- Members are required to play in a minimum of 54 holes of Men's Association play to be eligible for the Club Championship.
- Tournament Winnings must be redeemed by November 30, 2020.
- All special orders must be placed by October 31, 2020.
Please make sure you have renewed your UGA Handicap card.