The Following will outline the rules applied at all Golf Channel Amateur Tour Events

Other Local Rules that apply to each specific course will be available at the starting hole the day of the tournament




The Rules of Golf as approved by the United States Golf Association and the R&A govern play. The following local rules are in effect for all Golf Channel Am Tour tournaments. See applicable tournament Notice to Players for additional Local Rules and Conditions.


Local Rules


PACE OF PLAY: The Am Tour policy leaves the responsibility for maintaining the pace of play where it belongs, with the player. Efficient pace of play is a huge factor of a successful and positive Am Tour experience for all participants in accordance with Rule 5.6.


Lead Group(s): The first group(s) must finish their first nine holes within the maximum allotted time established by the committee. If the lead group finishes over the maximum allotted time after nine holes, each player in the group will be assessed a 2-stroke penalty applied to their 9th hole. The first group(s) off each tee must also finish 18 holes within the maximum allotted time established by the committee. Failure to finish under this maximum allotted time for 18-holes will result in a separate 2-stroke penalty, applied to the score on the final hole of play.


Exception: If the lead group(s) are held up by groups in front of them they will be exempt from the pace of play penalty(s) if they finish within 14 minutes of the group ahead of them.


Following Groups: A 2-stroke penalty may be assessed to any group, failing to complete their 9th hole or 18th hole within 14 minutes of the group in front of them AND over their maximum allotted time.


Players are advised of the following:

  • Rules officials are not required to notify a player and/or group that they are behind.
  • Each group is responsible for monitoring its own pace. Being in position means to be immediately behind the group in front of you.
  • As a courtesy to each player, this policy will be reiterated on the starting hole.
  • As a courtesy to each player, the maximum allotted time without penalty will be shown on your official scorecard. This time is not a target time it is a penalty time. In most situations play should be well under these maximums.



A player concerned about slow player(s) in a group should first remind that player of the pace of play policy and encourage them to play more efficiently. The concerned player may, before or after penalties are assessed, request an Official to monitor the group. If a player is identified as holding up the pace of the group, penalties may be applied to that player and rescinded from the others. Appeals for exceptional situations will be considered only in the scoring area after the completion of the round and prior to the return of a player’s scorecard.


CADDIES/SPECTATORS: The Tour allows caddies/spectators subject to approval of the host golf course. Carts are for the sole use of players. Spectators/caddies may not ride in a cart during play of a hole in any Regional or National level tournament. Penalty for breach of this local rule may be disqualification for the corresponding player.


Exceptions: Caddies/Spectators may, on a space available basis;

  • ride to the starting hole and from the putting green to the next tee
  • sit in a cart while it is parked at a tee-box or putting green.


See the Local Tournament Notice to Players or contact the local Tour Director to determine if this local rule is in effect.


WRONG PUTTING GREEN: includes the area of fairway within one club-length of a wrong putting green, commonly known as “the fringe”. The nearest point of relief must also avoid interference from “the fringe” of the wrong putting green.


GOLF BALL: Any ball used in making a stroke must be on the current List of Conforming Golf Balls issued by the USGA. This list is regularly updated and is found at Penalty for making a stroke in breach of this local rule is Disqualification. The One Ball Rule is not in effect but the player is advised Rule 4.2c(2) requires a player to hole out with the ball played from the teeing ground, unless the ball is lost or out of bounds, or if the player substitutes another ball under Rule 6.3b


PRACTICE BETWEEN HOLES PROHIBITED: Between the play of two holes, a player must not make any practice stroke on or near the putting green of the hole just completed, OR, test the surface of that putting green by rubbing the putting green or rolling a ball. Penalty for breach of this local rule is 2 strokes


WOOD CHIPS & MULCH: are loose impediments


General Conditions


TEEING GROUNDS: Play will be from the designated tee markers shown on the player’s scorecard and not necessarily from the scorecard yardages. Playing from the wrong tee marker carries a penalty of 2 strokes and must be corrected before teeing off on the next hole or the penalty is Disqualification.


TIME OF STARTING: It is the responsibility of the individual player to be at the correct

starting hole 10 minutes in advance of the start time to receive starter’s instructions.


CELL PHONES AND ELECTRONIC DEVICES: Cell Phones may be used only if doing so does not unduly delay play, cell phones must always be on silent (not vibrate). In the spirit of competition, cell phone usage during competition is discouraged. A player should be respectful of their fellow competitors. The device should only be used to make phone calls in emergency situations. Headphones and earbuds are always banned from the competition.


DISTANCE MEASURING DEVICES: DMDs are allowed as long as the player doesn't access information during the round that is prohibited under Rule 4.3 including elevation change or recommendations as to line of play or club selection based on the location of the player's ball.


DOUBT AS TO PROCEDURE: For any ruling question or doubt as to procedure please invoke Rule 20.1c(3). Announce your intention to play two (2) balls (you should designate to your

marker which ball you intend to score with), complete the hole with both balls, and you

must bring to the attention of the tournament committee before you turn in your signed

scorecard (even if you score the same with both balls).


ABNORMAL COURSE CONDITIONS: includes all Ground Under Repair, defined by

enclosed white lines. Shall also apply to deep tire ruts. Immovable Obstructions includes all

apparent cart paths (paved or not), any construction area, newly sodded or seeded areas, all cultivated flower & shrubbery beds and, French drains.


OUT OF BOUNDS: Defined by the inside edges at ground level of boundary walls, split-

rail fences, perimeter fence posts, street curbing, roads, parking lots, white stakes and

white lines connecting markers.


PENALTY AREAS: Defined by yellow stakes and/or lines or defined by red stakes

and/or lines. When both stakes and lines are present, lines define the Penalty Area and

stakes identify the Penalty Area.


DISCONTINUANCE OF PLAY: A suspension of play for a dangerous situation will be signaled by

1 long blast from horn or siren. All other suspensions will be signaled by 3 short blasts. Resumption of play will be signaled by 2 short blasts. See Rule 5.7b.


Competition is deemed to have closed once the trophy has been awarded.