DATES: Friday October 2nd and Saturday October 3rd
10/2: Rounds 1-3 starting at 8:30am, Dinner to follow Round 3
10/3: Rounds 4-5 starting at 8:30am, shoot-out to be approximately 3:00pm.
PACE OF PLAY EXPECTATION: Matches should be completed in 2 hours and 30 minutes.
ELlGlBILlTY: Open to all “A”, “J”, “L”, “SR” and “SR+” members until cutoff date; if space remains available, the Tournament will be opened to all “C”, “H”, and “NR” members.
- August 15, 2020: Registration opens for priority membership classes ("A", "J", "SR", "SR+", "L").
- August 21 2020: Blind draw for priority class registrants if necessary.
- August 22, 2020: Registration opens for all other membership classes
- August 28, 2020: Blind draw for all other member registrants.
Note: Members who purchased Canoe Brook sleeping rooms during the charity auction at the 2019 closing dinner will automatically be admitted to the field. (up to 8 members). The prior year shoot-out winner will automatically be admitted to the field (1 team).
COST: $1250 per team. (Includes $200 to fund the prize pool)
MONITORS: Peter Collins & Chris Alberta