This Girl Golfs 2017 Tee Sheet

The Belfry - Tue, October 3

The Belfry / Reds
Time Hole Players
The Belfry
Player Tee Time Hole Tee Other Players
Alanna Grogan (24) Mill Hill
11:45 AM 18 Reds Julie Daines + Keira Wharton + Pauline Nevin
Alison Banks (21) The Nottinghamshire
11:45 AM 9 Reds Gerry Snook + Karen Goodall + Yvette Saunders
Alison Kavanagh (10) Bedford
11:45 AM 3 Reds Louise Simons + Suzanne Kearns
Amanda Knee (35) Newcastle under Lyme
11:45 AM 15 Reds Jackie Menon + Justine Birchall + Rose Dent
Anne Beckett (14) Pavenham
11:45 AM 11 Reds Bali Bassan + Linda Darbon + Nicky Felix
Bali Bassan (24) Dyke Golf Club
11:45 AM 11 Reds Anne Beckett + Linda Darbon + Nicky Felix
Belinda Martin (17) Carden Park
11:45 AM 4 Reds Catherine Wilson + Nikky Jones + Val Orme
Bev Fairhurst (28) Hindley Hall
11:45 AM 5 Reds Cath Burgess + Diane Grant + Kay Bibby
Brenda .Harrington (20) Carden Park
11:45 AM 2 Reds Christine Rowland + Patti Vincent + Sherry Pugh
Carol Timms (12) Burford
11:45 AM 6 Reds Karen Lock + Kim Clark + Tracey Hunt
Carole Lloyd (36) Brickhampton Court
11:45 AM 17 Reds Cathy Riley + Hilary Tann + Selma Hussein
Cath Burgess (34) Hindley Hall
11:45 AM 5 Reds Bev Fairhurst + Diane Grant + Kay Bibby
Catherine Wilson (19) Carden Park
11:45 AM 4 Reds Belinda Martin + Nikky Jones + Val Orme
Cathy Riley (9) Abbeydale
11:45 AM 17 Reds Carole Lloyd + Hilary Tann + Selma Hussein
Christine Rowland (28) Bedford
11:45 AM 2 Reds Brenda .Harrington + Patti Vincent + Sherry Pugh
Dawn Gardner (36) Whitefields
11:45 AM 8 Reds Jackie Edwards + Julie Close
Diane Grant (12) Hindley Hall
11:45 AM 5 Reds Bev Fairhurst + Cath Burgess + Kay Bibby
Georgina Marsh (15) Barnham Broom
11:45 AM 1 Reds Karen Parsons + Kathie Mabberley + Susan Hayes
Gerry Snook (18) Stand
11:45 AM 9 Reds Alison Banks + Karen Goodall + Yvette Saunders
Hilary Tann (13) Sickleholme
11:45 AM 17 Reds Carole Lloyd + Cathy Riley + Selma Hussein
Jackie .Edwards (18) Lambourne Club
11:45 AM 14 Reds Maura Spencer + Pia Davies + Rona Barford
Jackie Edwards (32) Lambourne Club
11:45 AM 8 Reds Dawn Gardner + Julie Close
Jackie Menon (18) Trentham
11:45 AM 15 Reds Amanda Knee + Justine Birchall + Rose Dent
Jane Docksey (26) Branston
11:45 AM 13 Reds Kim Tierney + Lynne Woolley + Rachel Smith
Julie Close (36) emailed 31/08
11:45 AM 8 Reds Dawn Gardner + Jackie Edwards
Julie Daines (23) Hartford
11:45 AM 18 Reds Alanna Grogan + Keira Wharton + Pauline Nevin
Justine Birchall (33) Newcastle under Lyme
11:45 AM 15 Reds Amanda Knee + Jackie Menon + Rose Dent
Karen Goodall (6) Stand
11:45 AM 9 Reds Alison Banks + Gerry Snook + Yvette Saunders
Karen Lock (18) Burford
11:45 AM 6 Reds Carol Timms + Kim Clark + Tracey Hunt
Karen Parsons (16) Barnham Broom
11:45 AM 1 Reds Georgina Marsh + Kathie Mabberley + Susan Hayes
Kathie Mabberley (11) Littlestone
11:45 AM 1 Reds Georgina Marsh + Karen Parsons + Susan Hayes
Kathryn Kneen (36) N/A
11:45 AM 16 Reds Rachel Kneen
Kay Bibby (33) Hindley Hall
11:45 AM 5 Reds Bev Fairhurst + Cath Burgess + Diane Grant
Keira Wharton (23) Hartford
11:45 AM 18 Reds Alanna Grogan + Julie Daines + Pauline Nevin
Kim Clark (22) Burford
11:45 AM 6 Reds Carol Timms + Karen Lock + Tracey Hunt
Kim Tierney (24) Branston
11:45 AM 13 Reds Jane Docksey + Lynne Woolley + Rachel Smith
Linda Darbon (23) Pavenham
11:45 AM 11 Reds Anne Beckett + Bali Bassan + Nicky Felix
Louise Simons (11) Bedford
11:45 AM 3 Reds Alison Kavanagh + Suzanne Kearns
Lynne Woolley (19) Branston
11:45 AM 13 Reds Jane Docksey + Kim Tierney + Rachel Smith
Maura Spencer (17) Lambourne Club
11:45 AM 14 Reds Jackie .Edwards + Pia Davies + Rona Barford
Nicky Felix (17) Dyke Golf Club
11:45 AM 11 Reds Anne Beckett + Bali Bassan + Linda Darbon
Nikky Jones (18) Carden Park
11:45 AM 4 Reds Belinda Martin + Catherine Wilson + Val Orme
Patti Vincent (18) Carden Park
11:45 AM 2 Reds Brenda .Harrington + Christine Rowland + Sherry Pugh
Pauline Nevin (36) Hartford
11:45 AM 18 Reds Alanna Grogan + Julie Daines + Keira Wharton
Pia Davies (9) machrihanish
11:45 AM 14 Reds Jackie .Edwards + Maura Spencer + Rona Barford
Rachel Kneen (36) N/A
11:45 AM 16 Reds Kathryn Kneen
Rachel Smith (21) Branston
11:45 AM 13 Reds Jane Docksey + Kim Tierney + Lynne Woolley
Rona Barford (14) Lambourne Club
11:45 AM 14 Reds Jackie .Edwards + Maura Spencer + Pia Davies
Rose Dent (27) Newcastle under Lyme
11:45 AM 15 Reds Amanda Knee + Jackie Menon + Justine Birchall
Selma Hussein (26) Warley Park
11:45 AM 17 Reds Carole Lloyd + Cathy Riley + Hilary Tann
Sherry Pugh (19) Bedford
11:45 AM 2 Reds Brenda .Harrington + Christine Rowland + Patti Vincent
Susan Hayes (15) Northamptonshire
11:45 AM 1 Reds Georgina Marsh + Karen Parsons + Kathie Mabberley
Suzanne Kearns (18) Bedford
11:45 AM 3 Reds Alison Kavanagh + Louise Simons
Tracey Hunt (12) Burford
11:45 AM 6 Reds Carol Timms + Karen Lock + Kim Clark
Val Orme (23) Carden Park
11:45 AM 4 Reds Belinda Martin + Catherine Wilson + Nikky Jones
Yvette Saunders (30) The Nottinghamshire
11:45 AM 9 Reds Alison Banks + Gerry Snook + Karen Goodall