July 17 – 19, 2020


Notice to Competitors



Open - Black Tees

Mid-Amateur - Blue Tees

Senior - White Tees

Super-Senior & Masters - Green Tees


CONDITIONS OF PLAY:  The ball will be played as it lies.


FORMAT:  54 Holes of Stroke Play.  The field will consist of five divisions: Open, Mid-Amateur, Senior, Super-Senior, & Masters.  Approximately 30% of each division will be awarded gift certificates.  Total prize payout will be based on number of participants in each division and will be posted by the golf shop before the final round.  The overall champion in the Open division will be awarded the "Green Jacket" and his name shall be placed on the permanent trophy.  In case of a tie for the championship (all divisions) a "sudden death" playoff will be held to determine the winner.  The playoff will be held immediately upon the conclusion of the tournament.  All other ties will be split equally.


CUT:  The field will be cut in each division after 36-holes.  See Scoreboard for cut number.


GOLF BALLS:  Any ball used in making a stroke must be on the current List of Conforming Golf Balls issued by the USGA. (Model Local Rule G-3.)


PACE OF PLAY (Rule 5.6a): A player shall be subject to penalty if he unduly delays play. The pace of play time is 4 hours (an average of 13 minutes per hole). Please play ready golf and keep up with the group in front of you.


LATE TO TEE:  Rule 5.3a applies.


EMBEDDED BALL:  Free relief is allowed under Rule 16.3b only if a player’s ball is in the general area.


OUT OF BOUNDS:  Defined by white lines and course-side points of white stakes at ground level.  Right of the cart path on hole #1 is out of bounds.  Internal Out-of-Bounds on Championship holes #6 & #7 left by maintenance building.  The road behind #6 green is out of bounds.  The road (cart path) down the right of #9 and behind #9 green is out of bounds.  On hole #10 the net behind the driving range is out of bounds. The course side edges of the net poles define out of bounds.


PENALTY AREAS:  Defined by red lines and stakes.  The lines are in the penalty area.  Dropping Zones (marked by white lines and labeled “DZ”) on #8, #13, and #17 are additional options for a ball in the relevant penalty area.


ABNORMAL COURSE CONDITIONS:  GUR is defined by white lines. (Note: Ditches on right of mounds on #2 and left of path on #4 are GUR).  Any tire tracks or ruts made by a golf cart or maintenance vehicle is ground under repair.  On hole #10, indentations caused by new drainage and irrigation lines is ground under repair. 


NEWLY SODDED AREAS are ground under repair.


*Ground Under Repair on the green:  Worn weak areas and new sod on green – as defined by outside edges of white paint dots - is deemed to be ground under repair.  Relief, in accordance with Rule 25-1b is available. If the player’s ball lies on the green and he the player takes free relief under Rule 16.1d, he must take complete relief for lie, stance, area of intended swing and intervention on the line of play. The player may lift the ball and place it, without penalty, at the nearest point of complete relief that is on the putting green or in the general area.


OBSTRUCTIONS:  Washed out, worn, rubber mulched or rocky areas directly adjacent to cart paths are considered extensions of the cart path.


DANGEROUS SITUATION:  A suspension due to a dangerous situation  shall be signaled by one prolonged horn blast.  When play is suspended, the players shall discontinue play immediately and shall not resume play until the Committee has ordered a resumption of play.  Failure to do so will result in disqualification.  A non-dangerous suspension “e.g. darkness or course unplayable” will be indicated by three short horn blasts. In all cases, players will be notified to resume play by two short horn blasts.

The Tournament Committee reserves the right to shorten the event when inclement weather prohibits the play of 54-holes.


DISTANCE MEASURING DEVICES: In this competition, a player may obtain distance information by using a device that measures distance only. 


DOUBT AS TO PROCEDURE:  If a ball could be lost outside a penalty area or out of bounds, play a provisional ball.  If in doubt about a ruling, play a second ball and receive a ruling upon completion of play.


SCORECARDS:  Please return your properly executed scorecard to the scorer's table, located by #18 green, immediately following play. 


RULES COMMITTEE: Please refer all rules questions to the Rules Committee, Randy Reed (301-869-6020) & Cary Maddox (870-489-4653).