FORMAT (Friday Play)
Friday is no longer a “practice” round but a TOTAL TEAM NET SCORE. There will be points available that add to your 3-day total. The 6 Teams in each bracket will be competing for ‘Friday points’ using 90% of each player’s 18-hole handicap to .x (1) decimal place to break ties. Points will be awarded as follows for each of the 8 Brackets.
Par Team Webb/Noonan (and any others inserted) shoot net 144.
Teams not playing Friday will receive 0.25 PTS:
1st = 1.50 PTS 4th = 0.75 PTS
2nd = 1.25 PTS 5th = 0.50 PTS
3rd = 1.00 PTS 6th = 0.25 PTS
All Players will PUTT OUT as 1/4 point may be worth $4,000.00 !
- Friday will also have optional Gross/Net Skins ($10 & $10) using 90% handicap -
- 12 Flag Prizes -