Our 2020 schedule is posted on our 2020 season web portal. Click here to see it!
Click here for a downloadable copy
Member Renewal:
Renew your membership before March 1st annually. Download and complete the following form: Member Renewal Form (PDF) and include it with payment in Men's Club Pro Shop drop-box. Or if you're signed in, click the following link: Online Membership Renewal with Credit Card and renew online. You'll be given a chance to add the optional $5 Hole-In-One club during the process. Should you run into any issues with the online registration or have any questions contact us for assistance. (Email, Cell Phone Number, and Date of Birth are required for the online renewal).
New Members:
Early Bird Special of $45 (+$105 member fee) if you join prior to February 28th!
Join Colorado’s best men’s club and play on Colorado’s #1 public golf course! We invite you to click on the following link to read our Hyland Hills Prospective Members Welcome's You to Join Letter (PDF), which tells more about the fun and challenging course we play, our tournament events, and other important facts.
New Member Application
If you're interested in joining the friendliest and finest club in Colorado, download and complete the following form: New Member Application (PDF)
Best Practices:
World Handicap System: Effective January 1, 2020, the USGA implemented the World Handicap System:
- Players will be able to establish a Handicap Index after as little as three scores
- A player’s Handicap Index will be calculated using the best 8 out of their 20 most recently recorded scores
- The Course Rating and Slope Rating will be fundamental within the Handicap Index calculation procedure
- The maximum hole score for handicap purposes is a Net Double Bogey
- A Handicap Index will update the day after a score is posted to the player’s scoring record, or soon after, providing players with a responsive measure of their ability
- A Playing Conditions Calculation identifies and accounts for abnormal course or weather conditions
- Safeguards limit the extreme upward movement of a Handicap Index and reduce a Handicap Index when an exceptional score is submitted
Pace of Play Guidelines: All groups must keep up with the group in front of them and be ready to hit when fairway or green clears. Any group one hole, or more, behind the group in front will receive a warning to pull into position within two holes. Play FAST! Any group that has not moved into noticeably better position (less than one hole behind) within 2 holes will receive a 2-stroke penalty for each player in the group.
- All members must be ready to help with the pin if players want it in or out. Players may continue to finish putting out if they so decide and it would not interfere with another player’s line (except Match Play unless both players agree). This helps with Pace of Play!
- The 3-minute clock for searching for golf balls starts at the time players are near the vicinity of where they believe their ball landed.
- Each player should make their stroke within 40 seconds of reaching their ball. This includes surveying the shot, lining up, practice shots and all “waggles”. HIT the Ball!
- Each player in your group is responsible for keeping their group in position!
- Balls in penalty areas should not be retrieved if group is not in position. Take your drop and play!
- Any disrespect towards the Board Member or Marshall when being asked to close the gap or being assessed the 2-stroke penalty or, at any other time, will result in an automatic individual or team disqualification from the tournament and could also face expulsion from the club for violating the bylaws. Board and General Members (or others TBD) may be on the course as Pace of Play Marshalls for any and all tournaments and must be treated respectfully.
Information About the Club:
The History of the Hyland Hills Mens Club
The Hyland Hills Men's Club Board
The Greg Mastriona Golf Course’s At Hyland Hills