2019 Spring Meeting & Opening Day Mixer - Fairview Farm
Saturday, April 27, 2019
300 Hill Road, Harwinton, CT 06791 Map link
Registration Opens:
Registration Closes:
Print or download paper entry form
Learn all about the upcoming season. All Club Reps are asked to please attend.
All SNEWGA members are eligible and encouraged to attend as well.
4 person teams to be determined by tournament chair.
ABCD - Scramble Format
3 drives required per person
8:30 am Breakfast Buffet begins
9:15 am Meeting Begins
11:30 am Shotgun Start
Attending the meeting is required to participate in the Golf mixer after.
Please note: If you are a Club Rep or Board Member and are attending the Meeting/Breakfast only, please print the paper entry form (see link below) and send it in, as we can only process registrations through this portal when there is a registration fee for the entry.
Breakfast...(no charge for SNEWGA Rep or Board Member)……$15.00
Golf............includes Golf, Cart, & Prizes!..................................... $69.00
Print or download paper entry form
Note all Club Reps or Board Members who are attending but not playing golf, must email or send in a form to June Saunders for the meeting headcount please.