WSCGA Tournament Profile Form


Everyone who wishes to play in one of our events
must first register with a New Tournament Profile.

If you haven't already done so - Please click on the blue
box below to create your new profile.


Otherwise - please enter your email address and password and
sign in to register for your chosen event.




  • Please confirm all of the information shown below and make corrections where necessary.
  • Your email address will become your username.
  • Your email address must be unique to you and may not be shared with anyone else in the Golf Genius universe.
  • You may pick a password of your own choosing.
  • All fields marked with an asterisk * are required fields.
  • If a field is greyed out and you wish to change that data - the information came from the GHIN system and cannot be changed here.
    Please contact your club's professional staff to have this information changed in the GHIN system and then return here to complete your profile registration.
  • If you have any questions, please contact the WSCGA offices at or phone us at (843) 757-4653.



Acceptable photo formats: jpg, jpeg, gif, png. Maximum file size: 6MB.