Click the "Enter Lottery for 2025 Member Days" button to begin entering lotteries, then click on each individual event's name to enter its corresponding lottery (e.g. "Indian Pond CC Member Day"). You can view a tutorial on how to enter a lottery by clicking "Lottery Entry Tutorial" above.
You will need a Golf Genius Player Profile in order to enter lotteries. If you already have a Player Profile, you can sign in on the top right of this screen, or during the lottery entry process. If you do not yet have a Player Profile, CLICK HERE to create one.
You may enter a lottery for 1, 2, 3, or 4 spots. This number INCLUDES YOURSELF - for example, a lottery entry for 4 entails yourself and 3 additional Mass Golf Members.
You do not need to enter additional players' information when entering a lottery. However, a reminder that all players in the group have to be Mass Golf Members, meaning they have an active GHIN affiliated with a Mass Golf Member Club.
You can view answers to frequently asked questions about Member Days HERE, and find more information on the lottery system HERE.
If you have any questions, reach out to Kyle Sherman at or 774-430-9014.