Welcome to the Rotators Thursday League 2025 Portal
Mercer County Golf Courses
(Princeton Country Club, Mercer Oaks WEST, Mercer Oaks EAST, Mountain View Golf Club, Hopewell Valley Golf Club)
Thursdays - times vary by course (4:30 to 5:40)
See Schedule of Courses under Player Info tab above
The Mercer Rotators League is a casual 9 hole league held on Thursday evenings after work rotating among the county golf courses of Mercer County. All skills levels welcomed, i.e. Novice - Advanced.
See the complete schedule of courses under the Player Info tab above.
Tee Times begin between 4:30 and 5:40 depending on the course
Registration is a onetime fee of $40
Weekly Greens Fees: $23 to walk; $33 to ride
League dates: April 25th thru September 18th
League Coordinator is Dee Pasternick, Coachdee53@aol.com
All league registrations are final. No refunds.
Registering for a league places you on the league's roster. You will receive an invitation to each weekly round approximately a week before each round. Accepting the invitation puts you on that round's tee sheet.