Welcome to the Neshanic 9 Nifty Holes League


Neshanic Valley Academy Golf Course

Neshanic Station, NJ


Tuesdays at 5 pm




The Neshanic 19th Hole League is a casual 9 hole league held on Tuesday evening after work at the Neshanic Valley Academy Golf Course in Neshanic Station, NJ.  All skills levels welcomed, i.e. Novice - Advanced.  


* If you have any questions about golf leagues, please email golfprograms@lpgaamateruscnj.com



Tee Times begin at 5 pm.  


Registration is a onetime fee of $40


Greens Fees: $18 to walk (resident) / $29 (non-resident); Add'l $15 to ride


League dates: 4/23 - 9/17


League Coordinator is Donna Beland dwannabe@aol.com




All league registrations are final. No refunds.


Registering for a league places you on the league's roster. You will receive an invitation to each weekly round approximately a week before each round. Accepting the invitation puts you on that round's tee sheet.