63rd U.S. Senior Women's Amateur Qualifier

Cheyenne Shadows Golf Club

Wednesday, July 30, 2025


Registration Information

Registration Link: CLICK HERE. All players must register through the USGA. 


Registration Opens: April 2nd at 9:00am EDT 


Registration Deadline: July 9th at 5:00pm EDT


Field Size: 78 players maximum 


Entry Fee: $190.00


Handicap Index Limit: 14.4


Age Limit: Must be 50 on or before September 13, 2025


Tournament Information

Format: 18 holes of stroke play 


Starting Time: Tee times beginning at 7:00am 


Qualifying Positions: TBD


Alternate Positions: TBD


Transportation/Caddies: One seat policy - The player or the player's caddie may ride in a golf cart during a stipulated round, but both may not ride at the same time. Maximum two carts per group. Players may also carry their bag, use a pull cart, or have a caddie. Click HERE to view the U.S. Senior Women's Amateur cart policy. 


Practice Round Information: TBD


Yardage: Will be available under the Qualifier Information tab.   


StrackaLine: StrackaLine yardage books and green guides can be purchased for a reduced price, with CGA tournament participants receiving a 20% off discount. Click HERE for more information and to purchase. 


Electronic Scoring: Official scoring will be completed through your mobile device. Click HERE to view mobile scoring instructions. 


Food & Beverage: Food will be available for purchase at the player's responsibility. 


Score Posting: The CGA will post scores for all players with active GHIN numbers.


Host Professional: Tyler Lowry 


National Championship: September 13 - 18, 2025. The Omni Homestead Resort (Cascades Course), Hot Springs, Virginia.  


Local Rules in Effect: See USGA Hard Card under the Qualifier Information tab for additional local rules in effect


Modifications for Players with Disabilities: Players wishing to utilize Rule 25 must provide the USGA Championship Department with the appropriate documentation prior to the entry deadline. Click HERE for more information.