South Jersey Straight Shooters

Travel League 2025

Thursdays: May 1st - August 21st



This is a FOR FUN LEAGUE. All level of players are welcome. That said, we will still be playing by the rules of golf & pace of play will be monitored. The max on any hole is double par. We will be playing a variety of games and formats.


Golfers are provided opportunities to explore and expand on their games in multiple ways. League members are empowered with added learning opportunities for course etiquette, pace of play and rules awareness; thus enabling them to play in a variety of capacities and with players of advanced abilities.


Game points and progress may be tracked. Small Prizes are awarded during the season along with a couple of random drawings at the end of the season for larger prizes TBA. Names are entered each time a member wins an event or various games (longest drive, closest to the pin, etc.)



Various courses throughout Southern Ocean and Atlantic Counties. 


Registration Fees:

To join the league and receive weekly sign-up invitations: $40


Pay at the course for each round.

Range balls are available for an additional fee at some courses.

More Info:

If your HCI is greater than 36, we will use 36 of the max for scoring.

Maximum of 16 weekly players.



Contact League Coordinator:

Ann Mackey 917-767-5529