April 22nd - August 28th
(Informal play continues through Oct 28th)
This is a Tuesday, daytime, 18-hole league, rotating among the variety of fun and challenging courses. Consecutive tee times, distributed each week, typically begin around 10 am; please arrive 30 minutes before your tee time.
The league is social with some friendly and fun and competition, designed to support game improvement and build confidence. A general understanding of (and/or willingness to learn) golf etiquette, pace of play and basic rules is helpful.
See Schedule under the Player Info tab (above) for courses and tee times.
Depending on the course, there will be 20-24 players with weekly sign-up, first-come basis. Foursomes are organized to encourage mixed play with all members. Scorecards are collected at the end of the round. We often gather for apres-golf laughs and celebrations at the 19th hole.
LPGA International - Jones Course (Cup), Cream Ridge Golf Club - 2, Galloping Hill, Lakewood Country Club - NJ, Vineyard National, Spring Meadow GC, Suneagles Golf Club, Knob Hill Golf Club, Bey Lea Golf Course, Bella Vista Country Club, Pebble Creek Golf Club, Heron Glen Golf Course, Twisted Dune Golf Club, LBI National Golf & Resort - 2, Cedar Creek, Cedar Creek - 2, Twisted Dune Golf Club - 2, Links/Ridge, Gambler Ridge GC, Ridge/Pines, Eagle Ridge Pines/Links, Concordia Golf Club, Old Bridge Golf Club, Bey Lea Golf Course - 2
Registration Fees:
To join the league and receive weekly sign-up invitations: $40
Pay at the course for each round.
Range balls are available for an additional fee at some courses.
More Info:
Guest policy: Must be arranged with the league coordinator in advance, and play in the foursome with the "host".
Weekly Sign ups will be sent out Tuesdays at 5PM: first come, first serve. After that, registrants will be wait listed and notified if an opening occurs. Your weekly registration is a commitment to the league and the golf course to play. Arrangements are finalized 2 days prior (Sunday AM).
Contact your League Coordinators:
Bev Harris bsharris17@gmail.com
Linda Modica Lindamodica87@gmail.com