Round 3 (Thu, June 1)

The tee sheet has not yet been released to the event portal.

Adam, Doug
Adams, Buzz
Adell, Rick
Anderson, Steve
Berkeley, Chuck
Beutler, John
Bies, Don
Bishop, Kevin
Bobillot, David
Boe, Tom
Bomar, Billy
Bowen, Steven
Brandes, Tom
Bray, Duayne
Bryant, Bill
Buckenberger, Randy
Burnett, Kevin
Byers, Jere
Cameron, Randy
Cameron, Tim
Carey, Brad
Carey, Tom
Carlson, Bob
Carranza, Joe
Carson, John
Cavin, Bill
Christensen, Bob
Church, Bob
Clark, Don
Cline, JD
Cobleigh, Paul
Conti, Tony
Cook, Gene
Cooke, Paul
Corn, Greg
Coston, Jeff
Coury, Mike
Cravens, Scott
Crimp, Keith
Cripe, Keith
Crocker, Vince
Cummins, Larry
Cuthbert, Steve
Daniels, Larry
Davis, Brian
Davis, Tad
DeLong, Mike
Denova, Stan
DeShaw, Kelly
Donahue, Steve
Dowen, Gary
Downey, Larry
Doxsie, Doug
Duncan, Dick
Englund, Steve
Erwin, Todd
Faber, Gary
Feller, Jeff
Feutz, Pat
Fleckenstein, Al
Foster, Alex
Foster, Brad
Fought, Jeff
Frederick, Mike
Frost, Chris
Gamble, Travis
Gardner, Mark
Gibbons, Rob
Givens, Michael
Gove, Mike
Graf, Ben
Grant, Ron
Graybeal, Gordy
Griffin, Mike
Grosz, Randy
Gunner, Ron
Hager, Bill
Hale, Andy
Hale, Tom
Haney, Fred
Harrison, David
Hearn, Dave
Heckler, Tom
Henry, Tim
Holcomb, Grant
Holt, Jim
Holtan, Ramer
Hood, Bill
Houvener, Paul
Hunter, Dave
Jackson, Bill
Janney, Ron
Jennings, Peter
Jewell, Harrison
Johnson, Mark
Jones, Jeff
Jonson, Ed
Jonson, Richard
Karns, Brad
Kean, Jim
Keating, Mark
Kelley, John
Kenley, Doug
Kerns, Mike
Kilgore, Jeff
Kilgore, Mike
Kirkland, Rob
Klein, Ed
Kloenne, Mike
Koenig, Mark
Krieger, Scott
Kurtzman, Jim
Larsen, Scott
Larson, Craig
Larson, Rick
Lee, Dave
Lee, Mike
Lee, Ron
Lewis, Tom
Loggan, Tim
Longenecker, Steve
Lyon, Dan
Magill, Mike
Mahaffey, Matt
Maloney, Pat
Mannon, David
Mares, Robert
Marsh, Jeff
Marshall, Eric
Mattson, Cem
McAlpine, Doug
McCash, Blair
McLaughlin, Rick
Mertz, Ron
Milne, Chuck
Milovich, Dan
Molitor, John
Montgomery, Shaune
Moscrip, Duke
Mulcahey, Ted
Murray, Brent
Nall, Robert
Nelson, Roger
O'Donnell, Pat
O'Neal, Tim
Oberst, Rich
Paresi, Terry
Parker, Steve
Patterson, Alan
Peccia, Joseph
Pederson, Don
Pellman, Vern
Peterson, Larry
Phillips, Harry
Phillips, Tom
Pike, Jim
Piontek, George
Prugh, Steve
Redding, Steve
Reed, Mark
Remington, Jeff
Reuhl, Steve
Richards, Bruce
Richardson, Rick
Runge, Kris
Santos, Vernie
Sather, Ron
Schlehofer, Rick
Schmitz, Ron
Schneider, Rich
Schopf, Gary
Schuh, Craig
Schwenke, Larry
Seawell, Tim
Sell, Paul
Senatra, Michael
Shackelford, Ron
Sheldon, Don
Smith, Jeff
Smith, Karl
Smith, Scott
Smithson, Glenn
Smithson, Larry
Solan, Bill
Sovay, Thomas
Stamey, Alex
Steed, Greg
Steinbach Jr, Dave
Stephens, TK
Stewart, Bruce
Stumph, Joe
Swenson, Stein
Tachell, Jeff
Talcott, David
Tapley, DJ
Taylor, Rick
Taylor, Scott
Teigen, Jim
Thorne, Gary
Thorsnes, John
Thurman, James
Tierney, Jerry
Titus, Mike
Toll, Mike
Turner, Jay
Velling, Mike
Voelz, Dale
Wall, John
Webb, Joe
Weihe, Rick
Westling, Ted
Wetli, David
White, George
White, Neal
Wicks, Brian
Wiebe, Tim
Williams , Roy
Williams, Scott
Wolther, Kelvin
Yeend, Bill