Golf Fest Points

To determine the Golf Fest Champion, we use a Points allocation method similar as we use for the Player of the Month. Points are awarded for each event based on a players position in the field on that day. Events with larger fields carry more points and the week ending team event will allow your teammates to help you in the push for the title, with points awarded for the best 3 teams.  

The point system for those participating in the golf fest events are awarded as follows:


Position in event Number of Players Monthly Medal Ambrose
 0 - 14 15 - 30 30 +
1st 51 102 153 204 175
2nd 31 61 92 122 75
3rd 19 39 58 77 50
4th 14 27 41 55  
5th 11 22 34 45  
6th 10 20 31 41  
7th 9 18 27 37  
8th 9 17 26 35  
9th 8 16 24 33  
10th 8 15 23 31  
11th 7 14 21 28  
12th 7 13 20 26  
13th 6 12 18 24  
14th 6 11 17 22  
15th   10 15 20  


An additional 20 points are awarded to every player for every Golf Fest round they have played.