The Rules of the United States Golf Association (USGA) govern play. See below for supplemental local rules and conditions during tournament and match play events.
The Committee. Tournament Director, Board Members assigned to the tournament, and Members of the Meadows Golf Club Rules Committee present or contacted by phone. The Meadows Golf Club Rules Committee, whose decision is final, shall settle any Rules disputes.
Local adopted rules:
E-5 Alternative to Stroke and Distance for Lost Ball or Ball Out of Bounds
USGA Reference: E-5 Alternative to Stroke and Distance for Lost Ball or Ball Out of Bounds
LOCAL RULES – Specific Holes:
Hole #8: Dropping Zone available for the penalty area (lake) marked with stakes, is located between the cart path and White teeing area left of the cart path, or proceed under
Rule 17.1d.
Hole #9: Left of the upper north cart path between the green and the practice green is out of bounds (OB).
- Cart and maintenance paths will be played as obstructions, including cobble stones placed to extend the maintenance paths coverage to the south of fairway (Rule 16.1a(2)).
Hole#10: Left of the cart path is out of bounds (OB). Regardless of current placement of white stakes.
Hole #12: Dropping Zone available for the penalty area (lake), is located in front of the Red teeing area to the right of the cart path or proceed under Rule 17.1d.
- When the cart path is adjacent to the penalty area (lake/ creek), the penalty area begins at the edge of the cart path along the lake. These areas will be marked with red stakes with blue or green tops. When the cart path and the penalty area are no longer adjacent, the penalty area will be marked with red paint.
- Play is prohibited left of the west most lake.
Hole #16: Southern Penalty Area (creek)/Red Pole
- From the teeing area if your ball fails to cross the penalty area (creek) short of the fairway you may play it as it lies or take relief under Rule 17.1.
- From the teeing area if your ball enters the general playing area west of the red pole but then cross into the penalty area on the southside of the fairway you must do the following:
- Play it as it lies if it is north of the south water’s edge or take relief under Rule 17.1, from where the ball entered the penalty area.
- Any ball located south of the south water’s edge is deemed unplayable and relief must be taken following Rule 17.1, from where the ball entered the penalty area.
Northern Penalty Area (creek)
- When the cart path is adjacent to the penalty area (creek), the penalty area begins at the edge of the cart path along the creek. These areas will be marked with red stakes with blue or green tops. When the cart path and the penalty area are no longer adjacent, the penalty area will be marked with red paint.
Hole #18: Dropping Zone available for the penalty area (lake), is located to the left of the bridge by the Charlie Austin Pole.
- Balls entering the penalty area to the left of the Charlie Austin Pole may use the Dropping Zone.
- Balls entering the penalty area to the right of the Charlie Austin Pole must be re-teed or dropped in a relief area that is based on a reference line going straight back from the hole through the estimated point where the original ball last crossed the edge of the penalty area (Rule 17.1d).
Footwear. Rule 4.3a is modified in this way: During a round, a player must not wear shoes with:
- Traditional spikes – that is, spikes having a single or multiple point designed to penetrate deeply into the surface of the ground (regardless of whether made of metal, ceramic, plastic, or other materials), or,
- Spikes of any design that are entirely or partially made of metal if such metal may come in contact with the course.
- Penalty for breach: Disqualification.