The Gathering 2024 Tee Sheet

The Virginian Round 2 - Tue, October 22

The Virginian
Time Hole Players
The Virginian
Player Tee Time Hole Tee Other Players
Amor, Doug
10:30 AM 12 White Glowacki, Jeff + Kaiser, Roger + Mann, Daryl
Arant, Charlie
10:30 AM 9 Red Boxell, John + Helton, TO + Thompson, Skylar
Austin, Stephen
10:30 AM 14 Blue Douglas, Jordan + May, Ryan + Paris, Brian
Biby, Matt
10:30 AM 7 Blue Determan, Matt + Smith, Kyle + Woods, Chris
Blackmore, Jim
10:30 AM 3 Gold Hayes, Ken + Lester, Mark + McKay, Pat
Bowen, Bruce
10:30 AM 10 Blue Plate, Andy + Sikorski, Chet + Warren, Chris
Boxell, John
10:30 AM 9 Red Arant, Charlie + Helton, TO + Thompson, Skylar
Burdette, Keith
10:30 AM 13 White Chance, Matt + Coley, Josh + Scott, Neil
Cardwell, Justin
10:30 AM 6 Blue Collins, Josh + Echols, Hayden + Hawkins, Brad
Carman, Tyler
10:30 AM 16 Blue Clegg, Will + Hudson, Chuck + Kubasik, Greg
Chadwick, Todd
10:30 AM 1 White Hardin, Bill + Krausman, Ron + Watson, Joey
Chance, Matt
10:30 AM 13 Blue Burdette, Keith + Coley, Josh + Scott, Neil
Clegg, Will
10:30 AM 16 Blue Carman, Tyler + Hudson, Chuck + Kubasik, Greg
Coley, Josh
10:30 AM 13 Blue Burdette, Keith + Chance, Matt + Scott, Neil
Collins, Josh
10:30 AM 6 Blue Cardwell, Justin + Echols, Hayden + Hawkins, Brad
Cox, Alex
10:30 AM 4 Blue Holtzclaw, Andy + Loudermilk, Robert + McPherson, Michael
Determan, Matt
10:30 AM 7 Blue Biby, Matt + Smith, Kyle + Woods, Chris
Douglas, Jordan
10:30 AM 14 Blue Austin, Stephen + May, Ryan + Paris, Brian
Echols, Hayden
10:30 AM 6 Blue Cardwell, Justin + Collins, Josh + Hawkins, Brad
Eller, Mike
10:30 AM 11 Gold Keller, Tim + Lord, Russ + Williamson, Joel
Fadool, Ray
10:30 AM 5 White Lee, Dana + McCaw, Bob + Swope, Josh
Glowacki, Jeff
10:30 AM 12 White Amor, Doug + Kaiser, Roger + Mann, Daryl
Hardin, Bill
10:30 AM 1 White Chadwick, Todd + Krausman, Ron + Watson, Joey
Hawkins, Brad
10:30 AM 6 Blue Cardwell, Justin + Collins, Josh + Echols, Hayden
Hayes, Ken
10:30 AM 3 White Blackmore, Jim + Lester, Mark + McKay, Pat
Helton, TO
10:30 AM 9 White Arant, Charlie + Boxell, John + Thompson, Skylar
Holtzclaw, Andy
10:30 AM 4 Blue Cox, Alex + Loudermilk, Robert + McPherson, Michael
Hopkins, Larry
10:30 AM 18 Gold McCall, George + Ray, Bill + Wall, Josh
Hudson, Chuck
10:30 AM 16 Blue Carman, Tyler + Clegg, Will + Kubasik, Greg
Hunter, Braxton
10:30 AM 17 Blue Kilpatrick, Kevin + Ogle, Taylor + Whaley, Keith
Kaiser, Roger
10:30 AM 12 Gold Amor, Doug + Glowacki, Jeff + Mann, Daryl
Keller, Tim
10:30 AM 11 Blue Eller, Mike + Lord, Russ + Williamson, Joel
Kilpatrick, Kevin
10:30 AM 17 White Hunter, Braxton + Ogle, Taylor + Whaley, Keith
King, Mark
10:30 AM 15 White Knight, Allie + Smith, Richard + Tuten, Boyce
Knight, Allie
10:30 AM 15 White King, Mark + Smith, Richard + Tuten, Boyce
Krausman, Ron
10:30 AM 1 Blue Chadwick, Todd + Hardin, Bill + Watson, Joey
Kubasik, Greg
10:30 AM 16 Blue Carman, Tyler + Clegg, Will + Hudson, Chuck
Lee, Dana
10:30 AM 5 Gold Fadool, Ray + McCaw, Bob + Swope, Josh
Lester, Mark
10:30 AM 3 White Blackmore, Jim + Hayes, Ken + McKay, Pat
Lord, Russ
10:30 AM 11 Blue Eller, Mike + Keller, Tim + Williamson, Joel
Loudermilk, Robert
10:30 AM 4 Blue Cox, Alex + Holtzclaw, Andy + McPherson, Michael
Mann, Daryl
10:30 AM 12 Gold Amor, Doug + Glowacki, Jeff + Kaiser, Roger
May, Ryan
10:30 AM 14 Blue Austin, Stephen + Douglas, Jordan + Paris, Brian
McCall, George
10:30 AM 18 Gold Hopkins, Larry + Ray, Bill + Wall, Josh
McCaw, Bob
10:30 AM 5 Gold Fadool, Ray + Lee, Dana + Swope, Josh
McKay, Pat
10:30 AM 3 White Blackmore, Jim + Hayes, Ken + Lester, Mark
McPherson, Michael
10:30 AM 4 Blue Cox, Alex + Holtzclaw, Andy + Loudermilk, Robert
Morrison, Erik
10:30 AM 8 Blue Needham, Jason + Porch, Taylor + Wells, Kelly
Needham, Jason
10:30 AM 8 White Morrison, Erik + Porch, Taylor + Wells, Kelly
Ogle, Taylor
10:30 AM 17 Blue Hunter, Braxton + Kilpatrick, Kevin + Whaley, Keith
Paris, Brian
10:30 AM 14 Blue Austin, Stephen + Douglas, Jordan + May, Ryan
Plate, Andy
10:30 AM 10 Blue Bowen, Bruce + Sikorski, Chet + Warren, Chris
Porch, Taylor
10:30 AM 8 Blue Morrison, Erik + Needham, Jason + Wells, Kelly
Ray, Bill
10:30 AM 18 Gold Hopkins, Larry + McCall, George + Wall, Josh
Scott, Neil
10:30 AM 13 Blue Burdette, Keith + Chance, Matt + Coley, Josh
Sikorski, Chet
10:30 AM 10 White Bowen, Bruce + Plate, Andy + Warren, Chris
Smith, Kyle
10:30 AM 7 Blue Biby, Matt + Determan, Matt + Woods, Chris
Smith, Richard
10:30 AM 15 White King, Mark + Knight, Allie + Tuten, Boyce
Swope, Josh
10:30 AM 5 Blue Fadool, Ray + Lee, Dana + McCaw, Bob
Thompson, Skylar
10:30 AM 9 Blue Arant, Charlie + Boxell, John + Helton, TO
Tuten, Boyce
10:30 AM 15 Blue King, Mark + Knight, Allie + Smith, Richard
Wall, Josh
10:30 AM 18 Blue Hopkins, Larry + McCall, George + Ray, Bill
Warren, Chris
10:30 AM 10 Blue Bowen, Bruce + Plate, Andy + Sikorski, Chet
Watson, Joey
10:30 AM 1 Gold Chadwick, Todd + Hardin, Bill + Krausman, Ron
Wells, Kelly
10:30 AM 8 White Morrison, Erik + Needham, Jason + Porch, Taylor
Whaley, Keith
10:30 AM 17 White Hunter, Braxton + Kilpatrick, Kevin + Ogle, Taylor
Williamson, Joel
10:30 AM 11 White Eller, Mike + Keller, Tim + Lord, Russ
Woods, Chris
10:30 AM 7 White Biby, Matt + Determan, Matt + Smith, Kyle