Player Roster
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Handle | Affiliation |
Benedetti, Aaron | Pacific University of Oregon |
Buerger, Daryl | Eagle Crest Golf Resort |
Daggitt, Christopher | Centennial Golf Club |
Dube, Tyler | OGA Golf Course |
Edmunds, Andrew | Willamette Valley Country Club |
Emery, Zach | Waverley Country Club |
Fisher, Edward | Southern Oregon Golf Academy |
Heinly, Jesse | Parscription Golf |
Hidalgo, Hunter | Tetherow Golf Club |
Hill, Steven | Mallard Creek Golf & RV Resort |
Huff, Nicholas | Riverside Golf & Country Club |
Johnson, Kyle | The Club Brasada Canyons |
Kukula, Ryan | West Coast Golf Academy |
Lambert, Jared | Astoria Golf & Country Club |
Lampert, Zachary | Meadow Lakes Golf Course |
Moore, Danny | Creekside Golf Course |
Nielson, Ryan | Bandon Dunes Golf Resort |
O'Neil, Clint | Eagle Crest Golf Resort |
Ott, Jeffrey | Grants Pass Golf Club |
Rowe, Aaron | Running Y Ranch Resort |
Welsh, John | LM - Salem, OR. |
Wescott, Hunter | NW Golf Guys |
Wheeler, Kevin | LM - Roseburg, OR. |
Woodward, Ryan | Creekside Golf Course |