53rd Annual Saudi Aramco Invitational Tournament


November 2nd & 3rd, 2018


The Saudi Aramco Golf Association (SAGA) is pleased to announce the 53nd edition of the Saudi Aramco Invitational Tournament (SAIT). The 53nd Annual SAIT will be held at Rolling Hills Golf Course in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia on November 2 - 3, 2018.


Selected professional and amateur golfers will be considered for entry into the field. Players with a USGA Index of 6.1 (CONGU Exact of 6.7) and below will be competing in the Championship Competition exclusively.  Players with a USGA Index of 6.2 (CONGU Exact of 6.8) and above will compete in the Plate Competition.  A player with a USGA Index of 6.2 (CONGU Exact of 6.8) or above may opt to play in the Championship competition at the time of registration however, such player will compete for the Championship Competition exclusively.


The Entry Fee is SR 500 for SAGA Members, and SR 750 for non-SAGA Members.  Entry Fees include a gift bag containing commemorative items as well as breakfast and lunch on November 2 and 3.  There is also an excellent range of trophies and prizes, details of which can be found in the Conditions of Play.