2024 VHSL Class 5 Championship Tee Sheet

VHSL Class 5 Championship - Lansdowne Resort (Norman Course) - Wed, October 16

The Golf Club at Lansdowne (Norman) - Archived on 01-30-2025 / VHSL Boys'
Time Players
The Golf Club at Lansdowne (Norman) - Archived on 01-30-2025
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Addie Doroh
9:11 AM VHSL Boys' Cole Cooper + Conner Lee + Madison Rizzo
Andrew Hermann
9:22 AM VHSL Boys' Fin Worral + Gavin Hoo Fatt + Hampton Morris
Aneesh Kappula
11:34 AM VHSL Boys' Blake Smith + Chase Bickel + Cobe Rudolf
Armando Maldonado
10:06 AM VHSL Boys' Brady Dunn + Grayden Thouron + Sujaan Singh
Ashika Vuradi
10:28 AM VHSL Boys' Ben Kablach + Drew Danforth + Ethan Sleeth
Barrett Pendergast
9:55 AM VHSL Boys' Ben Cowgill + Conor Manning + Kapil Ramachandran
Ben Baker
10:39 AM VHSL Boys' Harrison Beaudoin + Jake Chavis + Landon Carraway
Ben Cowgill
9:55 AM VHSL Boys' Barrett Pendergast + Conor Manning + Kapil Ramachandran
Ben Kablach
10:28 AM VHSL Boys' Ashika Vuradi + Drew Danforth + Ethan Sleeth
Blake Heselius
10:17 AM VHSL Boys' David Ellington + Matthew Berrey + Neil Kulkarni
Blake Smith
11:34 AM VHSL Boys' Aneesh Kappula + Chase Bickel + Cobe Rudolf
Brady Dunn
10:06 AM VHSL Boys' Armando Maldonado + Grayden Thouron + Sujaan Singh
Charlie White
9:44 AM VHSL Boys' Easton Hamrick + Paul Gere + Sam Han
Chase Bickel
11:34 AM VHSL Boys' Aneesh Kappula + Blake Smith + Cobe Rudolf
Clayton Lobb
11:12 AM VHSL Boys' Drew Hartman + Landen Hall + Owen Barker
Cobe Rudolf
11:34 AM VHSL Boys' Aneesh Kappula + Blake Smith + Chase Bickel
Cole Cooper
9:11 AM VHSL Boys' Addie Doroh + Conner Lee + Madison Rizzo
Conner Lee
9:11 AM VHSL Boys' Addie Doroh + Cole Cooper + Madison Rizzo
Connor Genzler
10:50 AM VHSL Boys' Eli Doyle + Fischer Leggitt + Jackson Wright
Conor Manning
9:55 AM VHSL Boys' Barrett Pendergast + Ben Cowgill + Kapil Ramachandran
David Ellington
10:17 AM VHSL Boys' Blake Heselius + Matthew Berrey + Neil Kulkarni
Demi Maihai
9:00 AM VHSL Boys' John Carlin + Luca Rinaldi + Tyson Principe
Drew Danforth
10:28 AM VHSL Boys' Ashika Vuradi + Ben Kablach + Ethan Sleeth
Drew Hartman
11:12 AM VHSL Boys' Clayton Lobb + Landen Hall + Owen Barker
Easton Hamrick
9:44 AM VHSL Boys' Charlie White + Paul Gere + Sam Han
Eli Cather
11:01 AM VHSL Boys' Graham Wieinstein + Henry Pfitzner + Luke Jones
Eli Doyle
10:50 AM VHSL Boys' Connor Genzler + Fischer Leggitt + Jackson Wright
Ethan Kotter
11:23 AM VHSL Boys' Nathan VanBenscholten + Seth Gorman + Zander Amerine
Ethan Sleeth
10:28 AM VHSL Boys' Ashika Vuradi + Ben Kablach + Drew Danforth
Fin Worral
9:22 AM VHSL Boys' Andrew Hermann + Gavin Hoo Fatt + Hampton Morris
Fischer Leggitt
10:50 AM VHSL Boys' Connor Genzler + Eli Doyle + Jackson Wright
Gavin Hoo Fatt
9:22 AM VHSL Boys' Andrew Hermann + Fin Worral + Hampton Morris
Graham Wieinstein
11:01 AM VHSL Boys' Eli Cather + Henry Pfitzner + Luke Jones
Grayden Thouron
10:06 AM VHSL Boys' Armando Maldonado + Brady Dunn + Sujaan Singh
Hampton Morris
9:22 AM VHSL Boys' Andrew Hermann + Fin Worral + Gavin Hoo Fatt
Harrison Beaudoin
10:39 AM VHSL Boys' Ben Baker + Jake Chavis + Landon Carraway
Henry Pfitzner
11:01 AM VHSL Boys' Eli Cather + Graham Wieinstein + Luke Jones
Jackson Wright
10:50 AM VHSL Boys' Connor Genzler + Eli Doyle + Fischer Leggitt
Jake Chavis
10:39 AM VHSL Boys' Ben Baker + Harrison Beaudoin + Landon Carraway
John Carlin
9:00 AM VHSL Boys' Demi Maihai + Luca Rinaldi + Tyson Principe
Joseph Winston
9:33 AM VHSL Boys' Keya Naik + Paul Arthur Roth + Thomas Aman
Kapil Ramachandran
9:55 AM VHSL Boys' Barrett Pendergast + Ben Cowgill + Conor Manning
Keya Naik
9:33 AM VHSL Boys' Joseph Winston + Paul Arthur Roth + Thomas Aman
Landen Hall
11:12 AM VHSL Boys' Clayton Lobb + Drew Hartman + Owen Barker
Landon Carraway
10:39 AM VHSL Boys' Ben Baker + Harrison Beaudoin + Jake Chavis
Luca Rinaldi
9:00 AM VHSL Boys' Demi Maihai + John Carlin + Tyson Principe
Luke Jones
11:01 AM VHSL Boys' Eli Cather + Graham Wieinstein + Henry Pfitzner
Madison Rizzo
9:11 AM VHSL Boys' Addie Doroh + Cole Cooper + Conner Lee
Matthew Berrey
10:17 AM VHSL Boys' Blake Heselius + David Ellington + Neil Kulkarni
Nathan VanBenscholten
11:23 AM VHSL Boys' Ethan Kotter + Seth Gorman + Zander Amerine
Neil Kulkarni
10:17 AM VHSL Boys' Blake Heselius + David Ellington + Matthew Berrey
Owen Barker
11:12 AM VHSL Boys' Clayton Lobb + Drew Hartman + Landen Hall
Paul Arthur Roth
9:33 AM VHSL Boys' Joseph Winston + Keya Naik + Thomas Aman
Paul Gere
9:44 AM VHSL Boys' Charlie White + Easton Hamrick + Sam Han
Sam Han
9:44 AM VHSL Boys' Charlie White + Easton Hamrick + Paul Gere
Seth Gorman
11:23 AM VHSL Boys' Ethan Kotter + Nathan VanBenscholten + Zander Amerine
Sujaan Singh
10:06 AM VHSL Boys' Armando Maldonado + Brady Dunn + Grayden Thouron
Thomas Aman
9:33 AM VHSL Boys' Joseph Winston + Keya Naik + Paul Arthur Roth
Tyson Principe
9:00 AM VHSL Boys' Demi Maihai + John Carlin + Luca Rinaldi
Zander Amerine
11:23 AM VHSL Boys' Ethan Kotter + Nathan VanBenscholten + Seth Gorman