AN 18-HOLE INDIVIDUAL STROKE PLAY TOURNAMENT CONTESTED IN FOUR DIVISIONS: Professional, Senior Professional (age 50+), Amateur and Senior Amateur (age 50+). Play conducted in morning and afternoon waves.


USGA RULES APPLY.  SUMMER RULES. Play the ball down as it lies.


TEES: Professionals, Senior Professionals and Amateurs play BLUE tees; Senior Amateurs play WHITE tees.


LOCAL RULES: Players may use a range finder or GPS distance measuring device without slope, wind or weather enhancements; may use varying brands of balls (no one-ball rule in effect).


OUT OF BOUNDS: White stakes and white lines around the property perimeter, around interior roads and parking lots, and around the driving range are defined as out of bounds.


CART PATHS: General Area cart paths and worn areas around and leading to/from these paths are considered Abnormal Course Conditions and are eligible for free relief.


PENALTY AREAS: All Penalty Areas are defined by red or yellow lines or stakes. See Rule 17.1d for relief.


RELIEF: The following areas are deemed ‘Ground Under Repair’: white-lined areas located in the General Area; all stone-filled drainage trenches; all unrepaired drainage or sprinkler lines; all prepared, planted flower beds. For all staked trees, relief is granted only if the stake or support wire affects the player’s stance or stroke. NO RELIEF is provided for mulch around trees or beds without any planted flowers; treat mulch as a loose impediment.


TIES: ALL TIES SPLIT ALL PLACES IN ALL DIVISIONS. There is no playoff for any finish position.


SKINS: All skins money paid in by division will be paid back out by division. IF NO SKINS ARE WON OUTRIGHT, the least-tied hole(s) split the skins pot. A player need not complete all 18 holes to be eligible to win a skin; a players may ‘X’ a hole and still win a skin on another hole.


WEATHER: Should inclement weather require suspension of play, the Committee will notify the field with 3 short repeated signal by siren. Players must stop play immediately and may remain in place or return to the clubhouse. To resume, the Committee will signal with one long siren signal.


SCORING: The online NOGA LIVE SCORING is the official scoring source for the tournament. In each group, one player must maintain hole-by-hole scoring using the Golf Genius app with a designated GGID login. Another player in the group must record all four player’s scores on a printed scorecard as a backup to online scoring. After play, each player must confirm his score at the Scoring Area with the tournament officials there.


PACE OF PLAY: if a group falls behind and is asked to close the gap, it is the responsibility of all players in the group to comply. The Committee has the right to monitor the lagging group, determine the player(s) causing the delay, and disqualify and remove competitors from the course without refund.


RULES QUESTIONS: Try to resolve it among your fellow competitors. If the question cannot be resolved, play two balls and ask the Committee for a ruling prior to confirming the final score.



Thank you for playing! Have fun!



COMMITTEE: Allen Freeman, Teal Harvey, Ray Bush, Mike Sweany, Sean Croell, Tony Mastrianni.