2024 Arrowhead GC Pro Ladies Tee Sheet

Round 1 - Thu, June 20

Arrowhead Golf Club.
Time Hole Players Hole Players
7:30 AM 1
Steve Vancil Arrowhead Golf Club
Paige Vancil Arrowhead Golf Club
Karen Govier Arrowhead Golf Club
Bernadette Yoder Arrowhead Golf Club
Sherry Rhoades Arrowhead Golf Club
7:40 AM 1
Moe, Jeremy Tualatin Country Club
Linda Babcock Tualatin Country Club
Jorie Girod Tualatin Country Club
Kristi Harris Tualatin Country Club
Laura Sheldon Tualatin Country Club
Bob Turnquist RHT Merchandising
Michelle Thiry Arrowhead Golf Club
Cora Sword The Oregon Golf Club
Dameron Brundage The Oregon Golf Club
Christy Riehm The Oregon Golf Club
7:50 AM 1
Scott Leritz Royal Oaks Country Club
Kate Stites Royal Oaks CC
Jill Charters Royal Oaks CC
Betty Jones Royal Oaks CC
Gloria Nelson Royal Oaks CC
Daniel Dolin Tualatin Country Club
Cheryl Fischer Tualatin Country Club
Celia Kilsby Tualatin Country Club
Jan Umbras Tualatin Country Club
Suzanne Olsen Tualatin Country Club
8:00 AM 1
Doug Suse Stone Creek Golf Club
Carol May Stone Creek
Patty Wiest Stone Creek
Nancy Welch Stone Creek
Kim Kolin Stone Creek
Bruce Stewart LM - Stone Creek GC
Glenda Saunders Stone Creek Golf Course
Claudia Ciobanu Illahe Hills Country Club
Athena Dehen Stone Creek Golf Course
8:10 AM 1
Kaitlyn Howe Charbonneau Golf Club
Cheryl Howe Tualatin Country Club
Sydney Bunch Charbonneau Golf Club
Kathy Spere Riverside Golf & Country Club
Kristin Finnegan Columbia Edgewater Country Club
8:20 AM 1
Robert Fisher Arrowhead Golf Club
Danielle Ranallo Arrowhead
Donna Hall Arrowhead
Kristin Sentra Arrowhead
Ellie Wallace Arrowhead
Lampert, Zachary Meadow Lakes Golf Course
Sarah Shinkle Meadow Lakes Golf Course
Dawn Kludt Meadow Lakes Golf Course
Lori Hooper-Antram Meadow Lakes Golf Course
Jean Gregerson Meadow Lakes Golf Course
8:30 AM 1
Kat Gerrish Cottage Golf Studio
Debby Gerrish Redtail
Christina Flora Cottage Golf Studio
Christine Kirkman The Reserve
Kay Betton Redtail
Carrie DeGree Royal Oaks Country Club
Lauren Baade Royal Oaks Country Club
Natalie Lonsway Royal Oaks Country Club
Dawn Anthony Royal Oaks Country Club
Jeanne Caswell Royal Oaks Country Club
8:40 AM 1
Kevin Coombs Orchard Hills Country Club
Barbara Gee Orchard Hills
Le Ann Bigoni Orchard Hills
Christine Chun Orchard Hills
Penny Gibbons Orchard Hills
Zach Emery Waverley Country Club
Thayer Willis Waverley Country Club
Carrie Bullock Waverley Country Club
Cheryl Bradley Waverley Country Club
Monique Johnsen Waverley Country Club
8:50 AM 1
David Brown Arrowhead Golf Club
Holli Sword Arrowhead Golf Club
Heather Elyea Arrowhead Golf Club
Sheryl Irving Arrowhead Golf Club
Lisa Cheney Arrowhead Golf Club
Kukula, Ross Arrowhead Golf Club
Diana Del Garbino Arrowhead Golf Club
Kaylie Bae Arrowhead Golf club
Lyndsay Dentel Arrowhead Golf Club
Alysia Warner Arrowhead Golf Club
9:00 AM 1
Bill Roberts Orchard Hills Country Club
Tiffany Henson Orchard Hills Country Club
Bobbi Croucher Orchard Hills Country Club
Trina Jones Rogue Valley Country Club
Jordan Ropp Corvallis Club
Connie Ingram Corvallis Club
Jan Zajicek Corvallis Club
Patty West Corvallis Club
Jana Tindall Corvallis Club
9:10 AM 1
Debby King The Kingdom of Golf
Char Barley Pine Ridge Golf Club
Marilena Christie Pine Ridge Golf Club
Judy Ogasawara Pine Ridge Golf Club
Kim Cross Pine Ridge Golf Club
Mike Entenman Arrowhead Golf Club
Lucy Entenman Arrowhead Golf Club
Taylor Rajewich Arrowhead Golf Club
Molly Nichols Arrowhead Golf Club
9:20 AM 1
Jared Lambert Astoria Golf & Country Club
Emily Kerr Astoria Golf & Country Club
Katie Sturgell Astoria Golf & Country Club
Christine Miles-Brigham Astoria Golf & Country Club
Joan Robbins Astoria Golf & Country Club
Delmar Strader Longview Country Club
Diane Nelson Longview CC
Jill Hooghkirk Longview CC
Tanna McLean Tri Mountain
Quincy Beyrouty Illahe Hills Country Club
9:30 AM 1
Bryce Fisher Arrowhead Golf Club
Chris Oviatt Arrowhead Golf Club
Linda Ignowski Arrowhead Golf Club
Patti Sullivan Arrowhead Golf Club
Laurie Gregg Arrowhead Golf Club
David Porter LMR - Pumpkin Ridge
Kate Porter Pumpkin Ridge
Terry Mattson Pumpkin Ridge
Jane Brillhart Pumpkin Ridge
Merritt Richardson Pumpkin Ridge
9:40 AM 1
David Patterson Orchard Hills Country Club
Sue Rossiter Orchard Hill Country Club
Stephanie Akutsu Orchard Hill Country Club
Elyse Dodson Orchard Hill Country Club
Lori Thornton Orchard Hill Country Club
Mason Martin Arrowhead Golf Club
Wendy Philippi Arrowhead
Gerry Crocker Arrowhead Golf Club
Pearl Herkamp Arrowhead Golf Club
Karla Peterson Arrowhead Golf Club
Arrowhead Golf Club.
Player Tee Time Hole Tee Other Players
Alysia Warner Arrowhead Golf Club
8:50 AM 10 RED - Ladies Diana Del Garbino + Kaylie Bae + Kukula, Ross + Lyndsay Dentel
Athena Dehen Stone Creek Golf Course
8:00 AM 10 RED - Ladies Bruce Stewart + Claudia Ciobanu + Glenda Saunders
Barbara Gee Orchard Hills
8:40 AM 1 RED - Ladies Christine Chun + Kevin Coombs + Le Ann Bigoni + Penny Gibbons
Bernadette Yoder Arrowhead Golf Club
7:30 AM 1 RED - Ladies Karen Govier + Paige Vancil + Sherry Rhoades + Steve Vancil
Betty Jones Royal Oaks CC
7:50 AM 1 RED - Ladies Gloria Nelson + Jill Charters + Kate Stites + Scott Leritz
Bill Roberts Orchard Hills Country Club
9:00 AM 1 BLUE - Men Bobbi Croucher + Tiffany Henson + Trina Jones
Bob Turnquist RHT Merchandising
7:40 AM 10 BLUE - Men Christy Riehm + Cora Sword + Dameron Brundage + Michelle Thiry
Bobbi Croucher Orchard Hills Country Club
9:00 AM 1 RED - Ladies Bill Roberts + Tiffany Henson + Trina Jones
Bruce Stewart LM - Stone Creek GC
8:00 AM 10 BLUE - Men Athena Dehen + Claudia Ciobanu + Glenda Saunders
Bryce Fisher Arrowhead Golf Club
9:30 AM 1 BLUE - Men Chris Oviatt + Laurie Gregg + Linda Ignowski + Patti Sullivan
Carol May Stone Creek
8:00 AM 1 RED - Ladies Doug Suse + Kim Kolin + Nancy Welch + Patty Wiest
Carrie Bullock Waverley Country Club
8:40 AM 10 RED - Ladies Cheryl Bradley + Monique Johnsen + Thayer Willis + Zach Emery
Carrie DeGree Royal Oaks Country Club
8:30 AM 10 RED - Ladies Dawn Anthony + Jeanne Caswell + Lauren Baade + Natalie Lonsway
Celia Kilsby Tualatin Country Club
7:50 AM 10 RED - Ladies Cheryl Fischer + Daniel Dolin + Jan Umbras + Suzanne Olsen
Char Barley Pine Ridge Golf Club
9:10 AM 1 RED - Ladies Debby King + Judy Ogasawara + Kim Cross + Marilena Christie
Cheryl Howe Tualatin Country Club
8:10 AM 1 RED - Ladies Kaitlyn Howe + Kathy Spere + Kristin Finnegan + Sydney Bunch
Cheryl Bradley Waverley Country Club
8:40 AM 10 RED - Ladies Carrie Bullock + Monique Johnsen + Thayer Willis + Zach Emery
Cheryl Fischer Tualatin Country Club
7:50 AM 10 RED - Ladies Celia Kilsby + Daniel Dolin + Jan Umbras + Suzanne Olsen
Chris Oviatt Arrowhead Golf Club
9:30 AM 1 RED - Ladies Bryce Fisher + Laurie Gregg + Linda Ignowski + Patti Sullivan
Christina Flora Cottage Golf Studio
8:30 AM 1 RED - Ladies Christine Kirkman + Debby Gerrish + Kat Gerrish + Kay Betton
Christine Chun Orchard Hills
8:40 AM 1 RED - Ladies Barbara Gee + Kevin Coombs + Le Ann Bigoni + Penny Gibbons
Christine Kirkman The Reserve
8:30 AM 1 RED - Ladies Christina Flora + Debby Gerrish + Kat Gerrish + Kay Betton
Christine Miles-Brigham Astoria Golf & Country Club
9:20 AM 1 RED - Ladies Emily Kerr + Jared Lambert + Joan Robbins + Katie Sturgell
Christy Riehm The Oregon Golf Club
7:40 AM 10 RED - Ladies Bob Turnquist + Cora Sword + Dameron Brundage + Michelle Thiry
Claudia Ciobanu Illahe Hills Country Club
8:00 AM 10 RED - Ladies Athena Dehen + Bruce Stewart + Glenda Saunders
Connie Ingram Corvallis Club
9:00 AM 10 RED - Ladies Jan Zajicek + Jana Tindall + Jordan Ropp + Patty West
Cora Sword The Oregon Golf Club
7:40 AM 10 RED - Ladies Bob Turnquist + Christy Riehm + Dameron Brundage + Michelle Thiry
Dameron Brundage The Oregon Golf Club
7:40 AM 10 RED - Ladies Bob Turnquist + Christy Riehm + Cora Sword + Michelle Thiry
Daniel Dolin Tualatin Country Club
7:50 AM 10 BLUE - Men Celia Kilsby + Cheryl Fischer + Jan Umbras + Suzanne Olsen
Danielle Ranallo Arrowhead
8:20 AM 1 RED - Ladies Donna Hall + Ellie Wallace + Kristin Sentra + Robert Fisher
David Brown Arrowhead Golf Club
8:50 AM 1 BLUE - Men Heather Elyea + Holli Sword + Lisa Cheney + Sheryl Irving
David Patterson Orchard Hills Country Club
9:40 AM 1 BLUE - Men Elyse Dodson + Lori Thornton + Stephanie Akutsu + Sue Rossiter
David Porter LMR - Pumpkin Ridge
9:30 AM 10 BLUE - Men Jane Brillhart + Kate Porter + Merritt Richardson + Terry Mattson
Dawn Anthony Royal Oaks Country Club
8:30 AM 10 RED - Ladies Carrie DeGree + Jeanne Caswell + Lauren Baade + Natalie Lonsway
Dawn Kludt Meadow Lakes Golf Course
8:20 AM 10 RED - Ladies Jean Gregerson + Lampert, Zachary + Lori Hooper-Antram + Sarah Shinkle
Debby Gerrish Redtail
8:30 AM 1 RED - Ladies Christina Flora + Christine Kirkman + Kat Gerrish + Kay Betton
Debby King The Kingdom of Golf
9:10 AM 1 RED - Ladies Char Barley + Judy Ogasawara + Kim Cross + Marilena Christie
Delmar Strader Longview Country Club
9:20 AM 10 BLUE - Men Diane Nelson + Jill Hooghkirk + Quincy Beyrouty + Tanna McLean
Diana Del Garbino Arrowhead Golf Club
8:50 AM 10 RED - Ladies Alysia Warner + Kaylie Bae + Kukula, Ross + Lyndsay Dentel
Diane Nelson Longview CC
9:20 AM 10 RED - Ladies Delmar Strader + Jill Hooghkirk + Quincy Beyrouty + Tanna McLean
Donna Hall Arrowhead
8:20 AM 1 RED - Ladies Danielle Ranallo + Ellie Wallace + Kristin Sentra + Robert Fisher
Doug Suse Stone Creek Golf Club
8:00 AM 1 BLUE - Men Carol May + Kim Kolin + Nancy Welch + Patty Wiest
Ellie Wallace Arrowhead
8:20 AM 1 RED - Ladies Danielle Ranallo + Donna Hall + Kristin Sentra + Robert Fisher
Elyse Dodson Orchard Hill Country Club
9:40 AM 1 RED - Ladies David Patterson + Lori Thornton + Stephanie Akutsu + Sue Rossiter
Emily Kerr Astoria Golf & Country Club
9:20 AM 1 RED - Ladies Christine Miles-Brigham + Jared Lambert + Joan Robbins + Katie Sturgell
Gerry Crocker Arrowhead Golf Club
9:40 AM 10 RED - Ladies Karla Peterson + Mason Martin + Pearl Herkamp + Wendy Philippi
Glenda Saunders Stone Creek Golf Course
8:00 AM 10 RED - Ladies Athena Dehen + Bruce Stewart + Claudia Ciobanu
Gloria Nelson Royal Oaks CC
7:50 AM 1 RED - Ladies Betty Jones + Jill Charters + Kate Stites + Scott Leritz
Heather Elyea Arrowhead Golf Club
8:50 AM 1 RED - Ladies David Brown + Holli Sword + Lisa Cheney + Sheryl Irving
Holli Sword Arrowhead Golf Club
8:50 AM 1 RED - Ladies David Brown + Heather Elyea + Lisa Cheney + Sheryl Irving
Jan Umbras Tualatin Country Club
7:50 AM 10 RED - Ladies Celia Kilsby + Cheryl Fischer + Daniel Dolin + Suzanne Olsen
Jan Zajicek Corvallis Club
9:00 AM 10 RED - Ladies Connie Ingram + Jana Tindall + Jordan Ropp + Patty West
Jana Tindall Corvallis Club
9:00 AM 10 RED - Ladies Connie Ingram + Jan Zajicek + Jordan Ropp + Patty West
Jane Brillhart Pumpkin Ridge
9:30 AM 10 RED - Ladies David Porter + Kate Porter + Merritt Richardson + Terry Mattson
Jared Lambert Astoria Golf & Country Club
9:20 AM 1 BLUE - Men Christine Miles-Brigham + Emily Kerr + Joan Robbins + Katie Sturgell
Jean Gregerson Meadow Lakes Golf Course
8:20 AM 10 RED - Ladies Dawn Kludt + Lampert, Zachary + Lori Hooper-Antram + Sarah Shinkle
Jeanne Caswell Royal Oaks Country Club
8:30 AM 10 RED - Ladies Carrie DeGree + Dawn Anthony + Lauren Baade + Natalie Lonsway
Jill Charters Royal Oaks CC
7:50 AM 1 RED - Ladies Betty Jones + Gloria Nelson + Kate Stites + Scott Leritz
Jill Hooghkirk Longview CC
9:20 AM 10 RED - Ladies Delmar Strader + Diane Nelson + Quincy Beyrouty + Tanna McLean
Joan Robbins Astoria Golf & Country Club
9:20 AM 1 RED - Ladies Christine Miles-Brigham + Emily Kerr + Jared Lambert + Katie Sturgell
Jordan Ropp Corvallis Club
9:00 AM 10 BLUE - Men Connie Ingram + Jan Zajicek + Jana Tindall + Patty West
Jorie Girod Tualatin Country Club
7:40 AM 1 RED - Ladies Kristi Harris + Laura Sheldon + Linda Babcock + Moe, Jeremy
Judy Ogasawara Pine Ridge Golf Club
9:10 AM 1 RED - Ladies Char Barley + Debby King + Kim Cross + Marilena Christie
Kaitlyn Howe Charbonneau Golf Club
8:10 AM 1 RED - Ladies Cheryl Howe + Kathy Spere + Kristin Finnegan + Sydney Bunch
Karen Govier Arrowhead Golf Club
7:30 AM 1 RED - Ladies Bernadette Yoder + Paige Vancil + Sherry Rhoades + Steve Vancil
Karla Peterson Arrowhead Golf Club
9:40 AM 10 RED - Ladies Gerry Crocker + Mason Martin + Pearl Herkamp + Wendy Philippi
Kat Gerrish Cottage Golf Studio
8:30 AM 1 RED - Ladies Christina Flora + Christine Kirkman + Debby Gerrish + Kay Betton
Kate Porter Pumpkin Ridge
9:30 AM 10 RED - Ladies David Porter + Jane Brillhart + Merritt Richardson + Terry Mattson
Kate Stites Royal Oaks CC
7:50 AM 1 RED - Ladies Betty Jones + Gloria Nelson + Jill Charters + Scott Leritz
Kathy Spere Riverside Golf & Country Club
8:10 AM 1 RED - Ladies Cheryl Howe + Kaitlyn Howe + Kristin Finnegan + Sydney Bunch
Katie Sturgell Astoria Golf & Country Club
9:20 AM 1 RED - Ladies Christine Miles-Brigham + Emily Kerr + Jared Lambert + Joan Robbins
Kay Betton Redtail
8:30 AM 1 RED - Ladies Christina Flora + Christine Kirkman + Debby Gerrish + Kat Gerrish
Kaylie Bae Arrowhead Golf club
8:50 AM 10 RED - Ladies Alysia Warner + Diana Del Garbino + Kukula, Ross + Lyndsay Dentel
Kevin Coombs Orchard Hills Country Club
8:40 AM 1 BLUE - Men Barbara Gee + Christine Chun + Le Ann Bigoni + Penny Gibbons
Kim Cross Pine Ridge Golf Club
9:10 AM 1 RED - Ladies Char Barley + Debby King + Judy Ogasawara + Marilena Christie
Kim Kolin Stone Creek
8:00 AM 1 RED - Ladies Carol May + Doug Suse + Nancy Welch + Patty Wiest
Kristi Harris Tualatin Country Club
7:40 AM 1 RED - Ladies Jorie Girod + Laura Sheldon + Linda Babcock + Moe, Jeremy
Kristin Finnegan Columbia Edgewater Country Club
8:10 AM 1 RED - Ladies Cheryl Howe + Kaitlyn Howe + Kathy Spere + Sydney Bunch
Kristin Sentra Arrowhead
8:20 AM 1 RED - Ladies Danielle Ranallo + Donna Hall + Ellie Wallace + Robert Fisher
Kukula, Ross Arrowhead Golf Club
8:50 AM 10 BLUE - Men Alysia Warner + Diana Del Garbino + Kaylie Bae + Lyndsay Dentel
Lampert, Zachary Meadow Lakes Golf Course
8:20 AM 10 BLUE - Men Dawn Kludt + Jean Gregerson + Lori Hooper-Antram + Sarah Shinkle
Laura Sheldon Tualatin Country Club
7:40 AM 1 RED - Ladies Jorie Girod + Kristi Harris + Linda Babcock + Moe, Jeremy
Lauren Baade Royal Oaks Country Club
8:30 AM 10 RED - Ladies Carrie DeGree + Dawn Anthony + Jeanne Caswell + Natalie Lonsway
Laurie Gregg Arrowhead Golf Club
9:30 AM 1 RED - Ladies Bryce Fisher + Chris Oviatt + Linda Ignowski + Patti Sullivan
Le Ann Bigoni Orchard Hills
8:40 AM 1 RED - Ladies Barbara Gee + Christine Chun + Kevin Coombs + Penny Gibbons
Linda Babcock Tualatin Country Club
7:40 AM 1 RED - Ladies Jorie Girod + Kristi Harris + Laura Sheldon + Moe, Jeremy
Linda Ignowski Arrowhead Golf Club
9:30 AM 1 RED - Ladies Bryce Fisher + Chris Oviatt + Laurie Gregg + Patti Sullivan
Lisa Cheney Arrowhead Golf Club
8:50 AM 1 RED - Ladies David Brown + Heather Elyea + Holli Sword + Sheryl Irving
Lori Hooper-Antram Meadow Lakes Golf Course
8:20 AM 10 RED - Ladies Dawn Kludt + Jean Gregerson + Lampert, Zachary + Sarah Shinkle
Lori Thornton Orchard Hill Country Club
9:40 AM 1 RED - Ladies David Patterson + Elyse Dodson + Stephanie Akutsu + Sue Rossiter
Lucy Entenman Arrowhead Golf Club
9:10 AM 10 RED - Ladies Mike Entenman + Molly Nichols + Taylor Rajewich
Lyndsay Dentel Arrowhead Golf Club
8:50 AM 10 RED - Ladies Alysia Warner + Diana Del Garbino + Kaylie Bae + Kukula, Ross
Marilena Christie Pine Ridge Golf Club
9:10 AM 1 RED - Ladies Char Barley + Debby King + Judy Ogasawara + Kim Cross
Mason Martin Arrowhead Golf Club
9:40 AM 10 BLUE - Men Gerry Crocker + Karla Peterson + Pearl Herkamp + Wendy Philippi
Merritt Richardson Pumpkin Ridge
9:30 AM 10 RED - Ladies David Porter + Jane Brillhart + Kate Porter + Terry Mattson
Michelle Thiry Arrowhead Golf Club
7:40 AM 10 RED - Ladies Bob Turnquist + Christy Riehm + Cora Sword + Dameron Brundage
Mike Entenman Arrowhead Golf Club
9:10 AM 10 BLUE - Men Lucy Entenman + Molly Nichols + Taylor Rajewich
Moe, Jeremy Tualatin Country Club
7:40 AM 1 BLUE - Men Jorie Girod + Kristi Harris + Laura Sheldon + Linda Babcock
Molly Nichols Arrowhead Golf Club
9:10 AM 10 RED - Ladies Lucy Entenman + Mike Entenman + Taylor Rajewich
Monique Johnsen Waverley Country Club
8:40 AM 10 RED - Ladies Carrie Bullock + Cheryl Bradley + Thayer Willis + Zach Emery
Nancy Welch Stone Creek
8:00 AM 1 RED - Ladies Carol May + Doug Suse + Kim Kolin + Patty Wiest
Natalie Lonsway Royal Oaks Country Club
8:30 AM 10 RED - Ladies Carrie DeGree + Dawn Anthony + Jeanne Caswell + Lauren Baade
Paige Vancil Arrowhead Golf Club
7:30 AM 1 RED - Ladies Bernadette Yoder + Karen Govier + Sherry Rhoades + Steve Vancil
Patti Sullivan Arrowhead Golf Club
9:30 AM 1 RED - Ladies Bryce Fisher + Chris Oviatt + Laurie Gregg + Linda Ignowski
Patty West Corvallis Club
9:00 AM 10 RED - Ladies Connie Ingram + Jan Zajicek + Jana Tindall + Jordan Ropp
Patty Wiest Stone Creek
8:00 AM 1 RED - Ladies Carol May + Doug Suse + Kim Kolin + Nancy Welch
Pearl Herkamp Arrowhead Golf Club
9:40 AM 10 RED - Ladies Gerry Crocker + Karla Peterson + Mason Martin + Wendy Philippi
Penny Gibbons Orchard Hills
8:40 AM 1 RED - Ladies Barbara Gee + Christine Chun + Kevin Coombs + Le Ann Bigoni
Quincy Beyrouty Illahe Hills Country Club
9:20 AM 10 RED - Ladies Delmar Strader + Diane Nelson + Jill Hooghkirk + Tanna McLean
Robert Fisher Arrowhead Golf Club
8:20 AM 1 BLUE - Men Danielle Ranallo + Donna Hall + Ellie Wallace + Kristin Sentra
Sarah Shinkle Meadow Lakes Golf Course
8:20 AM 10 RED - Ladies Dawn Kludt + Jean Gregerson + Lampert, Zachary + Lori Hooper-Antram
Scott Leritz Royal Oaks Country Club
7:50 AM 1 BLUE - Men Betty Jones + Gloria Nelson + Jill Charters + Kate Stites
Sherry Rhoades Arrowhead Golf Club
7:30 AM 1 RED - Ladies Bernadette Yoder + Karen Govier + Paige Vancil + Steve Vancil
Sheryl Irving Arrowhead Golf Club
8:50 AM 1 RED - Ladies David Brown + Heather Elyea + Holli Sword + Lisa Cheney
Stephanie Akutsu Orchard Hill Country Club
9:40 AM 1 RED - Ladies David Patterson + Elyse Dodson + Lori Thornton + Sue Rossiter
Steve Vancil Arrowhead Golf Club
7:30 AM 1 BLUE - Men Bernadette Yoder + Karen Govier + Paige Vancil + Sherry Rhoades
Sue Rossiter Orchard Hill Country Club
9:40 AM 1 RED - Ladies David Patterson + Elyse Dodson + Lori Thornton + Stephanie Akutsu
Suzanne Olsen Tualatin Country Club
7:50 AM 10 RED - Ladies Celia Kilsby + Cheryl Fischer + Daniel Dolin + Jan Umbras
Sydney Bunch Charbonneau Golf Club
8:10 AM 1 RED - Ladies Cheryl Howe + Kaitlyn Howe + Kathy Spere + Kristin Finnegan
Tanna McLean Tri Mountain
9:20 AM 10 RED - Ladies Delmar Strader + Diane Nelson + Jill Hooghkirk + Quincy Beyrouty
Taylor Rajewich Arrowhead Golf Club
9:10 AM 10 RED - Ladies Lucy Entenman + Mike Entenman + Molly Nichols
Terry Mattson Pumpkin Ridge
9:30 AM 10 RED - Ladies David Porter + Jane Brillhart + Kate Porter + Merritt Richardson
Thayer Willis Waverley Country Club
8:40 AM 10 RED - Ladies Carrie Bullock + Cheryl Bradley + Monique Johnsen + Zach Emery
Tiffany Henson Orchard Hills Country Club
9:00 AM 1 RED - Ladies Bill Roberts + Bobbi Croucher + Trina Jones
Trina Jones Rogue Valley Country Club
9:00 AM 1 RED - Ladies Bill Roberts + Bobbi Croucher + Tiffany Henson
Wendy Philippi Arrowhead
9:40 AM 10 RED - Ladies Gerry Crocker + Karla Peterson + Mason Martin + Pearl Herkamp
Zach Emery Waverley Country Club
8:40 AM 10 BLUE - Men Carrie Bullock + Cheryl Bradley + Monique Johnsen + Thayer Willis